Advanced Set Spawn
[ Advanced Set Spawn ]
Teleport one or more players to the spawn point easily and quickly.
[★] Features:
- Spawn onJoin (true/false)
- Spawn onDeath (true/false)
- Enable Command SetFirstSpawn (true/false)
- Enable Command SetSpawn (true/false)
- Disable Cooldown Has Permission (true/false)
- Disable onMoveEvent (true/false)
- Customizable Prefix
- Customizable Messages
- PlaySound on Teleport to the Spawn Point.
- Teleport all players to the Spawn Point
- Teleport players to the Spawn Point on falling in to the void [v2.1]
- Teleport players to the Spawn Point on falling in to the void [v2.1]
- Check if player has changed its location (true/false) [v2.4]
- Now you can hide any message! [v2.5]
- Support up to MC 1.20.1
- Support up to MC 1.20.1
[⌨] Commands:
- /setspawn
- /spawn
- /aspawn
- /aspawn reload
- /aspawn tp <player>
- /aspawn tpall
- /aspawn setspawn
- /aspawn setfirstspawn
- /aspawn firstspawn
You can also use /advancedsetspawn & /asetspawn instead /aspawn
[♚] Permissions:
aspawn.* description: Admin commands for ASetSpawn default: op aspawn.nocooldown description: Bypass the cooldown on teleportation request description: Access to aspawn main command list aspawn.firstspawn description: Permission to go to the first spawn aspawn.spawn description: Permission to go to the spawn aspawn.setspawn description: Set the spawn point aspawn.setfirstspawn description: Set the first spawn point aspawn.reload description: Reload all the plugin configurations description: Teleport a player to the spawn aspawn.tpall description: Access to tpall command aspawn.notpall description: Bypass to prevent teleport you to the spawn on tpall
[✎] Config. & Messages (v2.5):
# -----------------------[ AdvancedSetSpawn v2.5 ]------------------- by iLiroSQ
# Conditions:
# bypass-cooldown-ops (true/false) removes the cooldown on spawn request by permission.
# check-location (true/false) before teleporting check if player has teleported
# TIP > I recommend using this with onMoveEvent to avoid players bypassing it...
# cooldown (In seconds) how much the player will wait until he got teleported to the spawn point.
# period-nofalldamage (In seconds) starts when a player was recently teleported in to the spawn.
# prevent-falldamage (true/false) it will only prevent for the first fall damage you get
# after teleported to the spawn point.
# prevent-tpall-ops (true/false) if u have "aspawn.notpall" permission u will avoid going to the spawn.
# spawn-onDeath (true/false) sends a player to the spawn after they die...
# spawn-onJoin (true/false) sends a player to the spawn when they join to the server
# spawn-onVoid (true/false) sends a player to the spawn if they fall in the void.
# Toggle:
# aspawn-permission (true/false) toggles the access to the /aspawn command.
# disable-onMoveEvent (true/false) Check if player moved at least 1 block, this was optimized...
# TIP > If you don't want this event, cause lag or its unnecessary so set it to true.
# If you disabled this (true) your players will be able to move on teleport request.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
bypass-cooldown-ops: true
check-location: true
cooldown: 3
period-nofalldamage: 2
prevent-falldamage: true
prevent-tpall-ops: false
spawn-onDeath: true
spawn-onJoin: false
spawn-onVoid: false
aspawn-permission: true
spawn-permission: false
disable-onMoveEvent: false
enable-setfirstspawn-command: true
enable-setspawn-command: true
enabled: true
music: "LEVEL_UP"
volume: 5
pitch: 0
prefix: '&5[&6&lA&e&lSpawn&5] ' config-reloaded: '&2&l&k!&a Plugin reloaded. &2&l&k!&7' spawn-teleporting: '&6Teleporting...' spawn-tpall: '&aYou successfully teleported all the players online to the &eSpawn Point&a!' spawn-notfound: '&cThere is no &eSpawn &c&nPoint&c.' spawn-cooldown: '&6Teleportation will start in &a%cooldown%s&6, don''t move!' tp-usage: '&7Usage: &c/aspawn tp <player>' tp-success: '&aYou successfully teleported &e%target% &ato the &eSpawn Point&a!' player-notfound: '&e%target% &cis not found!' cancel-teleporting: '&cTeleportation was canceled! &7&o(You moved)' setspawn-success: '&aYou successfully set the &eSpawn Point &7(&a&l&nHere&7)' setfirstspawn-success: '&aYou successfully set the &6First&e Spawn Point &7(&a&l&nHere&7)' action-noconsole: '&cThis action is not allowed in the &lConsole' command-disabled: '&cThis command has been &nDisabled' world-not-loaded: '&cYour World Location is not loaded, please wait and try again!' no-permission: '&cInsufficient permission.' command-list: - '&8&m-------------------------------------------------' - ' &6&lAdvanced&b&lSet&e&lSpawn &7- &aCommands&7:' - ' &c/aspawn &7- &rShow this list of commands.' - ' &c/aspawn reload &7- &rReload the plugin.' - ' &c/aspawn tp <player> &7- &rSend a player to the spawn.' - ' &c/aspawn tpall &7- &rSend all players to the spawn.' - ' &c/aspawn setspawn &7- &rSet the Spawn Location.' - ' &c/aspawn setfirstspawn &7- &rSet the First Spawn Location.' - ' &c/aspawn firstspawn &7- &rGo to the First Spawn Point.' - ' &c/spawn &7- &rGo to the Spawn Point.' - '' - ' &7(&c&l!&7) &rYou can use &dsetspawn &r& &dsetfirstspawn &ras single' - ' &rcommand and you can also use &dspawn &ras sub-command of &c/aspawn&r, &c/advancedsetspawn&r, &c/asetspawn' - '&8&m-------------------------------------------------'
[♫] Sound List:
[❖] Working on:
- Per-world spawn! (Hook with Multiverse-Core2 or self implement)
( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°) Report any issues that you have in the comments section!
im new at server plugins.
i tried to get in my yml and change things but when i change somthing its not working.
what to do??
Hi, very good plugin, which suits me, but I have one problem with it, when I set the spawn, then after restart, I do not know for what reason, it removes itself, the files on restart saves, and in the file spawn.yml after closing the server everything is there, but when the server starts, it removes the content
Hey there, I tried setting this up for first spawning into the server players will spawn at the designated spawnpoint, but not on relogging. I assumed /aspawn setfirstspawn would do this, but it isn't working for me. Is there a way to do this, or do I need another plugin?
Hey, Can you add that they need to wait when they do /spawn but if they move it will cancel?
In reply to verixy_mc:
It is already implemented, make sure you have cooldown > 0 :
How can you turn off spawning at spawn when leaving and joining the server?
In reply to racoon554636:
check your config.yml then change:
spawn-onJoin: false
Hey, can I create more spawns?
I got 2 Multiverse worlds and I want for each of them a spawn. But no matter in which world I make /spawn I always go the one spawnpoint. How can I make two spawnpoints for two worlds?
In reply to saengerjakob:
Edit: Well, i would need to implement a hook for Multiverse-Core, at this moment i will launch v2.5 soon, so u will need to wait until next updates...
Customizable messages... But how about disable-able messages? I want to disable spawn messages but can't
In reply to LYNRAY_X:
Disable-able messages!
If you don't want messages being send to the console/player then u must change any message to '' without any space...
Example (In messages.yml):
spawn-teleporting: '&6Teleporting...'
spawn-teleporting: ''
In reply to iLirosq:
Yes. And somehow зlugin prevents using /kill, it is just teleporting player at spawn
In reply to LYNRAY_Y:
This issue was fixed in v2.5!
Hey, I got the plugin but my server's member don't have the permission to do /shop, I tried using luck perms plugin but it didn't work, please help me
In reply to MCIoudd:
Check what plugin you are using for /shop, if your members can't use /spawn check your config. that spawn-permission is set to false, anyways if it set to true, your users must have this permission: "aspawn.spawn"
Thanks great plugin helped me a lot
In reply to RonMalgeron:
Thanks for your comment, if you have any problem you can contact me anytime you like, recently updated to version 2.1 check it out!
Best regards: