Advanced Ores

This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.


This is my first plugin and what it does is provide access to commands related to ores to players (with permission ) . For this plugin work properly you should have a permissions plugin. If you do not have a permissions plugin you will not have access to commands except the help command.

Quote from Some Guy:

What about commands?


/aoThe main command of the plugin1.0 +
/ao-helpShows the help page for the plugin1.0+
/ao-doubleEnables/Disables Double mod1.0+
Quote from Other Guy:

Ok... But can all player use that commands?


Well... they can use /ao and /ao-help but theres a permission for /ao-double (ao.double) Oh! By the way ao.double can only be used if you have a Permission plugin like: PEX (PermissionsEX) or bPerms (bPermissions)

Problems and Other: You can report me any insues in the Forum

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