Administration menu

This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.


Administration Menu is a plugin which allows the owner of the server to easily manage the server from just a GUI.


  • Make all your necessary commands using a GUI
  • Allow certain staff to have certain access in the menu.
  • 1 command only!
  • More Coming after requests!

How to use

All you have to do is to use the command and all the instructions will be written in the lore of each item in the GUI.

Step for step.

  1. Give yourself the permission node "adminmenu.*"
  2. Do /am or /adminmenu
  3. Go to Permissions
  4. Choose player
  5. Choose which command they should have access to in the menu.
  6. Done.


  • /adminmenu - This is the core that controls everything.
  • /menu - Same function as adminmenu.
  • /am - Same function as adminmenu.


Since 0.93 you NO LONGER need these. All permissions can be added through the menu!
If you add "adminmenu.*" to youself, that will give you access to give everyone else the permission you need.
  • adminmenu.* - Gives access to the WHOLE menu.
  • adminmenu.player.* - Gives access to the player menu section.
  • adminmenu.permissions.* - Gives access to the permissions menu section.
  • - Gives access to open the admin menu (Without this then no other permissions will work)
  • - Gives access to teleport to people.
  • adminmenu.teleport.toyou - Gives access to teleport people to you.
  • adminmenu.clearinv - Gives access to clear a players inventory.
  • adminmenu.openinv - Gives access to open a players inventory.
  • adminmenu.kill - Gives access to kill a player.
  • adminmenu.xp - Gives access to give a player 100 xp.
  • adminmenu.enderchest - Gives access to open a players enderchest.
  • adminmenu.mute - Gives access to mute/unmute players.
  • adminmenu.warn - Gives access to warn a player (Simply makes a message in chat that the player has been warned)
  • adminmenu.jail - Gives access to jail someone in the jail called "jail" (Has to be preset in essentails)
  • adminmenu.kick - Gives access to kick a player.
  • adminmenu.ban - Gives access to ban a player.
  • adminmenu.tempban - Gives access to temporarily ban a player for a certain time.

Planned features

  • Add your own commands to the menu. Probably through a config file or just ingame command.
  • Give the user ability to set groups to players using the menu. (Release: 21st october. )(Possibly adding so you can make prefixes/Suffixes).
  • Adding freeze/Unfreeze to the player editor.
  • (Possible feature: Add a reason for the bans either in the menu or type it in chat.)

Known bugs

None so far. Let me know if you find them!


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Oct 15, 2016
  • Last Released File
    Oct 17, 2016
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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