
#AdminDrop config.yml v3.0.0.0

#The following options are related to item based inventory menus:
#True: When user has restricted chest access this option will stop them from opening said item.
#False: Allows user to open said chest even with chest access restricted.
#Default is True.
Chest: true
EnderChest: true
Hopper: true
Dropper: true
Dispenser: true
BrewingStand: true


#When true other player will be notified when toggles change.
#The toggle defaults to: true
AnnounceChangeToOther: true


#Message displays when the command to modify all players at once is used
#This only displays to the sender.
AllChangedMessage: All players have been successfully modified.


#Message displayed to user who reloads the config files for AdminDrop.
ConfigReloadMessage: Configuration files for AdminDrop successfully reloaded.


#Below indicates what a player starts off with for restrictions upon being added to config.
#Default is: false
DefaultThrowAway: false
DefaultPickUp: false
DefaultChestAccess: false
DefaultDeathDrop: false
DefaultBlockBreak: false
DefaultBlockPlace: false


#What is said to a player when this action is prevented and if the message is displayed.
#The toggle defaults to: false
PickUpMessage: You cannot pickup items.
PickUpMessageToggle: false


#Messages sent to a player when settings are changed or checked.
#Includes Player name and a space before the custom text for all 'OtherMesage' statements.
PickUpDeactivatedOtherMessage: can pick up items.
PickUpActivatedOtherMessage: cannot pick up items.
PickUpAlwaysActiveOtherMessage: can never pick up items.
PickUpDeactivatedSelfMessage: You can pick up items.
PickUpActivatedSelfMessage: You cannot pick up items.
PickUpAlwaysActiveSelfMessage: You can never pick up items.


#What is said to a player when this action is prevented and if the message is displayed.
#The toggle defaults to: true
ThrowMessage: You cannot throw items.
ThrowMessageToggle: true


#Messages sent to a player when settings are changed or checked.
#Includes Player name and a space before the custom text for all 'OtherMesage' statements.
ThrowDeactivatedOtherMessage: can throw items.
ThrowActivatedOtherMessage: cannot throw items.
ThrowAlwaysActiveOtherMessage: can never throw items.
ThrowDeactivatedSelfMessage: You can throw items.
ThrowActivatedSelfMessage: You cannot throw items.
ThrowAlwaysActiveSelfMessage: You can never throw items.


#What is said to a player when this action is prevented and if the message is displayed.
#The toggle defaults to: true
ChestMessage: You cannot open this.
ChestMessageToggle: true


#Messages sent to a player when settings are changed or checked.
#Includes Player name and a space before the custom text for all 'OtherMesage' statements.
ChestDeactivatedOtherMessage: can access chests.
ChestActivatedOtherMessage: cannot access chests.
ChestAlwaysActiveOtherMessage: can never access chests.
ChestDeactivatedSelfMessage: You can access chests.
ChestActivatedSelfMessage: You cannot access chests.
ChestAlwaysActiveSelfMessage: You can never access chests.


#What is said to a player when this action is prevented and if the message is displayed.
#The toggle defaults to: true
DropMessage: Your items have vanished upon your death.
DropMessageToggle: true


#Messages sent to a player when settings are changed or checked.
#Includes Player name and a space before the custom text for all 'OtherMesage' statements.
DropDeactivatedOtherMessage: can drop items at death.
DropActivatedOtherMessage: is safe from dropping items at death.
DropAlwaysActiveOtherMessage: can never drop items at death.
DropDeactivatedSelfMessage: You drop items at death.
DropActivatedSelfMessage: You are safe from dropping items at death.
DropAlwaysActiveSelfMessage: You can never drop items at death.


#What is said to a player when this action is prevented and if the message is displayed.
#The toggle defaults to: false
BlockBreakMessage: You cannot pickup items.
BlockBreakMessageToggle: false


#Messages sent to a player when settings are changed or checked.
#Includes Player name and a space before the custom text for all 'OtherMesage' statements.
BlockBreakDeactivatedOtherMessage: can break blocks.
BlockBreakActivatedOtherMessage: cannot break blocks.
BlockBreakAlwaysActiveOtherMessage: can never break blocks.
BlockBreakDeactivatedSelfMessage: You can break blocks.
BlockBreakActivatedSelfMessage: You cannot break blocks.
BlockBreakAlwaysActiveSelfMessage: You can never break blocks.


#What is said to a player when this action is prevented and if the message is displayed.
#The toggle defaults to: false
BlockPlaceMessage: You cannot pickup items.
BlockPlaceMessageToggle: false


#Messages sent to a player when settings are changed or checked.
#Includes Player name and a space before the custom text for all 'OtherMesage' statements.
BlockPlaceDeactivatedOtherMessage: can place blocks.
BlockPlaceActivatedOtherMessage: cannot place blocks.
BlockPlaceAlwaysActiveOtherMessage: can never place blocks.
BlockPlaceDeactivatedSelfMessage: You can place blocks.
BlockPlaceActivatedSelfMessage: You cannot place blocks.
BlockPlaceAlwaysActiveSelfMessage: You can never place blocks.


#What is said to a player when a player name is incorrect or not found.
PlayerNotFoundMessage: Player not found or incorrectly spelled.


#What is said to a player when checking the settings of a player/self and has no restrictions.
#Includes Player name and a space before the custom text for all 'OtherMesage' statements.
NothingIsActveOtherMessage: has no restrictions at this time.
NothingIsActveSelfMessage: You have no restrictions at this time.