AdminCmds (AdminFun 2020!)

AdminCmds is basically a "continuation" of the old AdminFun plugin. I didn't use
any of the same code or anything, just the same idea to build a fun, powerful
plugin that can both benefit your server and cause some chaotic fun at the
same time! Check out the commands you can do down below!

I wanted to develop a plugin that didn't just use the commands that over the
years have become integrated in bigger plugins like Essentials. (Even though
this is an Admin plugin, I didn't feel the need for /mute, /kick or /ban
commands as Essentials already covers those!)


Like this plugin? I have a cheap Premium version
with so many more powerful and fun commands!
Check it out here

To install this plugin, put the AdminCmds.jar into your server's
plugins folder, restart your server, dive straight into the
config. and change up the messages however you like!

With the /nv, /godkit, /fakejoin, /fakequit, /fcannon, /playerinfo and /wand commands;
if you leave the command empty (with no arguments after it) it will run the
command on yourself, so you can give yourself night vision, a God kit,
fake quit, a Firework Cannon, a Magic Wand, or you player stats!

Commands & Permissions
- admincmds.* - to be able to use all of the AdminCmds commands!

/achelp <page> - Shows you the help pages for AdminCmds.
- - to be able to use the plugin's help commands.

- Reloads the config.yml for AdminCmds.
- admincmds.reload - to be able to reload the config for AdminCmds.

/freeze <username> - Freezes (and un-freezes) the targeted player.
- admincmds.freeze - to be able to use the /freeze command.

/launch <username> - Launches the targeted player into the air!
- admincmds.launch - to be able to use the /launch command.

/fakeop <username> - Sends the targeted player a fake-op message.
- admincmds.fakeop - to be able to use the /fakeop command.
/fakedeop <username> - Sends the targeted player a fake de-op message.
- admincmds.fakedeop - to be able to use the /fakedeop command.

/fakegod <username> - Sends the targeted player a fake God mode message.
- admincmds.fakegod - to be able to use the /fakegod command.

/slap <username> - Takes 1HP from the targeted player and sends them a message.
- admincmds.slap - to be able to use the /slap command.

/confuse <username> - Gives the targeted player confusion for 10 seconds!
- admincmds.confuse - to be able to use the /confuse command.
/nightvision or /nv <username> - Toggles yours or a target players' nightvision on/off.
- admincmds.nightvision - to be able to use the /nv command.
- admincmds.nightvision.others - to be able to use the /nv <username> command.

/clearchat - Completely clears the chat from messages!
- admincmds.clearchat - to be able to use the /clearchat command.

/fakejoin <name>- Make your players think someone famous has joined!
- admincmds.fakejoin - to be able to use the /fakejoin command.

/fakequit <name> - Does the opposite of the /fakejoin command!
- admincmds.fakequit - to be able to use the /fakequit command.

/playersay <username> <message> - Lets you send a message as another online player!
- admincmds.playersay - to be able to use the /playersay command.
/nobreak <username> - Toggles a target player's ability to break/place blocks!
- admincmds.nobreak - to be able to use the /nobreak command.

/warn <username> - Gives the player a custom warning message from the config.
- admincmds.warn - to be able to use the /warn command.

/slow <username> - Slows down (and speeds back up) the targeted player!
- admincmds.slow - to be able to use the /slow command.

/spamchat <message> - Completely fills the chat with whatever you type in!
- admincmds.spamchat - to be able to use the /spamchat command.

/runcmd <username> </command> - Lets you run a command as another player!
- admincmds.runcmd - to be able to use the /runcmd command.

/gift <username> - Gifts the item in your hand to a target player!
- - to be able to use the /gift command.

/godkit <username> - Gives you or a target player a powerful God kit!
- admincmds.godkit - to be able to use the /godkit command.

/fakecrash <username> - Kicks a player and gives them a fake error message!
- admincmds.fakecrash - to be able to use the /fakecrash command.

/wand <username> - Gives you or a target player a Magic Wand item!
Usage: Left-click to summon lightning!||Right-click to shoot fireballs!
- admincmds.wand - to be able to use the /wand command.
- admincmds.wand.use - to be able to use the Magic Wand item.

/bgod <message> - Allows the user to broadcast a message as God.
- admincmds.bgod - to be able to use the /bgod command.

/report <username> <reason> - Sends a report message to all players with the recieve permission.
- - to be able to use the /report command.
- - to be able to receive the report messages from players.
/playerinfo <username> - Shows you some fun and handy player statistics!
- admincmds.playerinfo - to be able to use the /playerinfo command.
- admincmds.playerinfo.others - to be able to use the /playerinfo <username> command.
/disablechat - Toggles whether all players can type in chat or not.
- admincmds.disablechat - to be able to use the /disablechat command.
- admincmds.disablechat.bypass - to be able to bypass the /disablechat command.
/consolemsg <message> - Broadcasts a message to everyone as the Server.
- admincmds.consolemsg - to be able to use the /consolemsg command.

/fcannon <username> - Gives you or a target player a Firework Cannon!
- admincmds.fcannon - to be able to use the /fcannon command.
- admincmds.fcannon.use - to be able to use the Firework Cannon item.

/cakeparty - Gives every online player some Party Cake to enjoy!
- admincmds.cake - to be able to use the /cakeparty command.

That's it, that's everything!

If you have any problems, questions or suggestions about this plugin,
please feel free to contact me, and make sure to leave a review,
it helps me out a lot!


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    May 6, 2020
  • Last Released File
    Dec 27, 2020
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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