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#Time in seconds before they are afk (doesn't count towards online time)
AFK Time: 60

#Time in seconds between automatic resets of staff online times. Reset Interval: 604800

#Time in minutes between sign updates SignUpdate Interval: 1

#Option to check for playerheads in the correct area UseSkulls: true
NoPermissionMessage: '&cYou do not have permission!' NotPlayerMessage: '&cYou must be a player to use this command!' PlayerAddMessage: '&a%player% has been added to the staff list!' PlayerRemoveMessage: '&a%player% has been removed from the staff list!' PlayerNotOnlineMessage: '&c%player% is not online!' AlreadyStaffMessage: '&c%player% is already a staff member!' NotStaffMemberMessage: '&c%player% is not a staff member!' CheckOnlineTimeMessage: '&a%player% has been online for %onlinetime%!' MeOnlineTimeMessage: '&aYou have been online for %onlinetime%!' ResettingMessage: '&aResetting all players online times...' ResetCompleteMessage: '&aReset complete!' ConsoleTimeBeforeNextResetMessage: '&aReset Complete! Next reset will be in %resettime% minutes.' FailedSignCreationMessage: '&cThis sign has failed to be created!'

#This is generated on server start and after a reset. It is the system time in milliseconds of the next reset. I suggest not messing with it. System Time of next reset: 1499232351467

#This is a list of all staff members uuids Staff Members: - example-uuid

#Each staff member's uuid will have one of these. It is the time in milliseconds the players have been on the server. It will update at the same interval as the signs.
example-uuid: 207487

#Stores sign locations Sign Locations: '1': Number: 1 World: world X: 435 Y: 64 Z: 205 PlayerUUID: 8473ccbf-716c-4177-9136-8b5e9925d6fd Position: 1