
Admin360 Banner


Ever experienced a situation where 10 players need help but there are only 1 or 2 admins online? If yes you would know how hard it is to keep track of the players who need help and in which order the helps were requested.
Another issue many server owners have is that once they promote a hardworking player to an Admin rank or equivalent, that new Admin starts laze off and stop helping around the server while you go mental trying to sort things out and do the job of 5 admins. This plugin attempts to solve both problems

Admin360 has two parts to it which are integrated with each other.
Part 1: This is a request system where a player can request an admin. Multiple requests are queued. This allows the admins on a server to help out players without keeping track of who is next or who was first.

Part 2: When an admin responds to a request, the admin receives an 'honor point'. It is possible for admins to view their and other's honor points. This creates a bit of competition between admins which prevents them from lazing of. It also helps identify those worthless admins. hint: Those with significantly low honor points.

Whats new in version 2.0

  • This version is a complete rewrite of Admin360. It includes more efficient code and data storage mechanics.
  • Plugin now uses different command prefix and a few minor commands have changed.
  • Plugin now has a different permission set
  • It also changes the mechanics of how an player requests an admin and how an admin receives an honor point.
These features were requested by people in the comment section

Basic flow:

  • /helpme - players asks help from an admin
  • /a3 next - admin attends next player in queue and teleports to him
  • /a3 close - admin closes request after helping
  • /a3 yes/no - user is asked if admin was helpful or not. If yes, admin receives an honor point

Some Kool stuff

When an admin receives an honor point, a green creeper firework is launched form the admins head along with a sound effect:)

If your server...

If your server uses this plugin, please PM me so that I can list your server on this plugin's page


Player Commands - global permission: Admin360.player.*




/a3 help [reason]
/helpme [reason]
Allows a player to request an admin for help. This then queues him in the request queue
/a3 status Allows a player to see his position in the request queue Admin360.player.status
/a3 count Allows a player to see how many requests exist in the request queue Admin360.player.Count

Admin Commands - global permission: Admin360.admin.*




/a3 next Teleports an admin to the next person in the request queue and removes the person from the queue Admin360.admin.aid
/a3 close Closes a request after an admin is done helping Admin360.admin.aid
/a3 get [playername] Allows an admin to view his honor point gain from attending requests Admin360.admin.stats
/a3 purge Purges or removes all the players that are currently in the request queue. Admin360.admin.purge

Honors are now saved in a sqlite database. To reset honors, just simply delete the database and restart server

  • Make a HowTo Video

Source: Click here for source code


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