Addesk Mc Console

This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

What does Addesk Mc Console

I made Addesk MC Console, because I needed an remote administration tool for my server, so the admins were able to administrate their server from their home whit a secure way

How does Addesk Mc Console make it secure

Addesk MC Console it using an SSL socket, in combination with username and password login, where is a long random default password, what means that its hard to hack in if the server admins forgot to update its configuration

Why you should use Addesk MC Console

With this administration tool, you are able to enable/disable plugins on the fly, you are able to chat with users online in every format you choose inside its configuration. Its also useful when you forgot the commands a particular plugin has, just select the plugin in its gui, press right and click plugin information, when you do this, most of a plugin properties will be displayed, including the website, commands and authors.

How to configure it

When you start up the plugin for the first time, it will generate a config.yml inside its directory whit 1 user and a random generated password

ssl: true
port: 25566
    pass: 'skei8rks7jj409dkf'
    op: true
    tag: '[Remote] {0}: {1}'

when you looking to this configuration, you see there is 1 user, whit name "default_user" and password "skei8rks7jj409dkf". when you chat with this user the format "[Remote] {0}: {1}" will be used, (0) will be replaced by its username, {1} by the message he is saying, notice you can use ยง to add colors inside the message.

Pictures of the tool

See for the images.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Nov 5, 2012
  • Last Released File
    Nov 6, 2012
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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