
Do you want features such as setting homes or easy time skip, teleport requests and smooth healing, a flexible whitelist or blacklist alike, but you don't want to install several tiny plugins that take up your entire server capacity, or the behemoth of unnecessary commands that is Essentials? This plugin is the one for you. With all the features you really need


Current commands (As of Beta 1.2.1):

/aBasics: Displays general plugin information

/sudo: Run commands as another player

/heal: Heal other players

/fly: Soar to the sky

/ban: (soon to be) custom banlist

/unban: (soon to be) custom banlist

/clearitems: Clear ground items in the world or within a certain radius

/AFK: Set yourself or another player as being AFK

/invsee: Open another players inventory

/echest: Open your own or someone elses enderchest


Thank you all so much for downloading my plugin! I plan to keep working on this project, and I hope that all of you use it on your servers.




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