Inventory Drops - Explosive pickaxe

This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

NOTE: This plugin requires WorldGuard, Please make sure you are making (/gamerule doTileDrops false)! You require World Guard


- Inventory drops is a plugin made for people who face lag with server. this plugin makes the blocks mined drop their drops directly to someone's inventory.

- This plugin contains fortune support, and auto smelt, and also contains Explosive pickaxe.

- Fortune support is taking the fortune level and dividing it by 4 + 1 for example of you have fortune 16, you get 5 items.

- AutoSmelt automatically changes ironore and goldore into ingots.

- Explosive pickaxe is an upgrade, there is an economy system made in this plugin it is called epoints or enchantmentpoints, by that you can by explosive levels which make the radius of mining bigger, maximum you can go is 10 explosive.

Commands And Permissions:-

1) First command is "/explosive buy" which upgrades your pickaxe's explosive 1 level up, you require (

2) Second command is "/epoints" or "/enchantmentpoints" this command you require (inventorydrops.points) as for second arguments you can add points to players and remove points from players, use "/epoints help", permissions are (inventorydrops.points.add) and (inventorydrops.points.remove)

3) Third command is "/rldinventorydrops" which is to reload the config of the plugin permission is (inventorydrops.reload)

Config:- Inside the config. the integer of "Explosivecost" defines the cost of an explosive upgrade which is by using the epoints economy system

You can also edit people's points balance inside the config.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jun 26, 2015
  • Last Released File
  • Total Downloads
  • License

