The Brush - Biome

Biome Brush for WorldEdit


This plugin uses the power of the WorldEdit plugin (WorldEdit Bukkit page) and adds a much needed biome brush. The brush is used just like the other brushes, works with other worldEdit commands (besides /mat), and even does percentage biomes and obeys tool and biome masks.

How to Use


the syntax for the command: /brush biome <biome> [radius]

biome can be

  • a single biome ("desert"),
  • a list of biomes ("desert,desert_hills"), or
  • a list of percentaged biomes ("80%desert,20%desert_hills")

just like other WorldEdit commands for randomized block placement.


A mask can be set by using the /mask command: /mask [$biome,biome,...] (the $ must be the first character of the mask to define a biome mask)

of course simply "/mask" disables the mask

Other commands

You can use the /biomelist command to display a list of supported biomes (WorldEdit command)

However, as stated before. The /mat command will not change the material correctly; it will not recognize biomes and if a block is specified, your brush will no longer work correctly.

As with the WorldEdit command /setbiome the brush will appear to have no effect because Minecraft does not natively update biome changes. To see the changes made, you must either unload the chunk my moving far enough away or by re-logging.

WorldEdit Dependency

If it is thus far unclear, this plugin depends on WorldEdit to be installed. (It will fail to be loaded by the server)

If there are questions, concerns, feature requests and the like feel free to comment. If there are errors you can leave a comment or PM me. Enjoy!


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