

This Plugin will allow you an easy setup for having players be able to raid shops and even heist Banks. So get your security guards ready to prevent loosing all your money from Deposit Boxes.

An admin (or anyone with the "shopsnrobbers.admin" permission) can create Shops, Banks and Bank Accounts (Deposit Boxes) just by placing down a sign.

Of course names and amount of money to be raided are customizable.

Everything is designed for safety so your players cannot cheat themselves money by exploiting the raidable signs.

This plugin is also completely independet from your Economy Plugin since you are able to specify the command to give players rewards yourself. That means that you are able to use any Ecnomoy Plugin out there.


There is now a config.yml file where you can customize every single message shown to users and more.

Have fun heisting banks and raiding shops!


Upon installing the ShopsNRobbers Plugin you are able to place three different signs:

  • The Shop sign: [Steal]
  • The Bank sign: [Heist]
  • The Bank Account sign: [Deposit Box]

The first one (Shop sign) is a completely standalone feature which allows players to raid the shop for money. This sign keeps track of which players raided at what time, so you can set a cooldown during that players are unable to raid the sign again.

The other two signs (Bank and Bank Account signs) are used in combination with each other.

A bank sign creates a Bank. Every Bank Account sign refers to a Bank Sign and won't work, if the specified Bank does not exist.

A player is able to start a heist on a Bank by clicking the Bank sign. This enables him and other players to rush through all the corresponding Bank Account signs, looting them with a right click.

During a heist each sign can only be looted once.

When all Bank Accounts are looted the heist ends and after a customizable cooldown players are able to start another one.


You probably need to replace the "money-command" in the config.yml file to fit your economy plugin.

If you do not know what to paste there ask me and provide the name of your Economy Plugin or a link to your Ecnomoy Plugin's .jar file.


If you destroy a Bank Sign all Bank Account Signs will become invalid and therefor useless. This applies even if you rebuild the Bank Sign with the exact same data.


Each bullet point represents a line on the setup sign.


  1. "[Steal]" - Just this string.
  2. "5$" or "3$-13$" - The amount of money to loot here. You can of course change the values. The "$" and "-" cannot be changed. If two values are used players will loot a random amount of money including the specified values.
  3. "3 m" - The duration of the cooldown. At first write a number. Then have a whitespace. Finally add a time unit. (Supported: seconds, minutes, hours, days)
  4. This line has to be empty.


  1. "[Heist]" - Just this.
  2. "State Bank" - The name of your bank. This will be used on all the Bank Account Signs.
  3. "2 d" - The duration of the cooldown. At first write a number. Then have a whitespace. Finally add a time unit. (Supported: seconds, minutes, hours, days)
  4. This line has to be empty.

[Deposit Box]

  1. "[Deposit Box]" - Again just this.
  2. "State Bank" - Then name of your bank. This has to be the same one as one the [Heist] sign.
  3. "8$" or "6$-9$" - How much money you can raid here. Just like line 2 on the [Steal] sign.
  4. This line has to be empty


All commands require the "shopsnrobbers.admin" permission.

You can substitute "/snr" with "/shopsnrobbers".

  • "/snr" - Displays Info and help
  • "/snr reload" - Reloads the config.yml and the data.yml files
  • "/snr copsspawn <bankname>" - Toggles wheter cops will spawn when heisting a bank


  • "shopsnrobbers.*"  -  A combination of the following permissions
  • "shopsnrobbers.admin"  -  Allows the creation of Shop, Bank and Bank Account Signs and the usage of commands.
  • "shopsnrobbers.use"  -  Allows players to raid a Shop (respecting the cooldowns) or Bank Account (only if a heist has been started). Also allows starting a heist (respecting the cooldowns)

Configuration File:

# You need to replace this line with whatever command
# your economy plugin uses to give a player money
# %player% will be the righclicking player
# and %amount% the amount of money on the sign
money-command: eco give %player% %amount%

# WARNING: If you use color coding (&amp;) in the prefix
# or in the signs section
# you need to surround the whole string with ""<br /># Also if you change the sign-valid text, all signs with the previous valid text<br /># won't work!

prefix: "&amp;2[&amp;6&amp;lShops&amp;c&amp;lN&amp;e&amp;lRobbers&amp;2]"
  # First specify what to put on a sign
  # the sign-valid is what the sign will say if it is valid
  # Use &amp; for color coding the valid messages
  steal: [Steal]
  steal-valid: "&amp;7[&amp;4Steal&amp;7]"
  heist: [Heist]
  heist-valid: "&amp;7[&amp;4Heist&amp;7]"
  deposit-box: [Deposit Box]
  deposit-box-valid: "&amp;7[&amp;4Deposit Box&amp;7]"
  # This will be the first line of a sign if it was not setup correctly
  invalid: &amp;cInvalid

# You can always use the following placeholders:
# %steal% - steal-valid
# %heist% - heist-valid
# %deposit-box% - deposit-box-valid

# If a message id starts with: "amount" you can use the %amount% placeholder
# If a message id starts with: "wait" you can use the %cooldown% placeholder
# If a message id starts with: "heist" you can use the %bankname% placeholder
    no-permission: "You do not have sufficent permission"
    wait-for-steal-cooldown: "You can loot this store again in %cooldown%!"
    wait-for-heist-cooldown: "You can start another heist in %cooldown%!"
    no-heist: "There is currently no heist going on"
    already-looted: "This %deposit-box% was already looted"
    amount-looted: "You successfully looted %amount%$"
    last-looted: "You looted the last %deposit-box%"
    heist-started: "You started a heist at: %bankname%"
# As long as you don't use another language
# you can ignore this
    day: Day
    days: Days
    hour: Hour
    hours: Hours
    minute: Minute
    minutes: Minutes
    second: Second
    seconds: Seconds

 You should edit the "money-command" in the config.yml to whatever fits for your Economy Plugin.

"%player%" and "%amount%" can be used as placeholders for the looting player and the amount of money specified on the signs.


money-command: eco give %player% %amount%


If you decide to change the valid-signs in the config.yml all existing signs with the old valid-sign text

will not work, because the plugin does not recognize them as Plugin Signs


If you have any questions feel free to ask me.


I am happy to receive suggestions.

(I'm also open for suggestions to other plugins, if you want something specific :P)

Thanks to all of you for using my plugin.

- HotChocolate


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jul 30, 2017
  • Last Released File
    Aug 1, 2017
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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