BukkitDev Project Submission Guidelines

Update: The Project Submission Guidelines have been changed. You no longer need to have information in your project title, only in your file names. Please re-read the Project Submission Guidelines for more information.

To ensure that projects on BukkitDev are given the exposure and attention they deserve, as well as make it easier for people to find what they are looking for, we are actively enforcing a set of rules and guidelines that we expect and require every project using our service to adhere to.

Effective immediately, we now expect every project on BukkitDev to follow and adhere to the Project Submission Guidelines outlined here: http://wiki.bukkit.org/BukkitDev:Project_Submission_Guidelines

Please be sure to read them as we'll be using them extensively when handling Project submission approvals. As we are still actively working on BukkitDev, please be sure to frequently check the guidelines for any changes before submitting your project for approval.

Thank you for your cooperation and help making BukkitDev easier to use for everyone involved.



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