As we start preparing for the new system (yay new features) we are working on getting mods moved out of the Legacy Categories. Right now if you are in a Legacy Category and not in new categories your mod is harder for the users to find. We are reading through the descriptions of mods that have not been moved to new categories and are putting them in the (hopefully) appropriate category. You can of course edit the categories and change them to where you feel the mod belongs. Please do not pick "World Gen" as it will not be a selectable category in the new system, pick an appropriate sub-category.
While we are doing this we would also like to see mod authors add a default image to any non-api, non-library mod. This image shows up in the search list and draws more attention to your mod from the users browsing the lists.
Please forgive us if we put your mod somewhere you don't feel it belongs.
I just want to know; what are the new features, exactly?
Want to point out that the announcement is actually only targeting But due to a problem in the codebase is leaking over to as well.
When it comes time for bukkit to move over to Elerium we will be making sure the experience is customized for you guys separately.
Could you add a feature to report plugins for abandoning / inactivity / really old? And then when players will look in the plugin list, the will be able to either filter out any inactive / really old / abandoned plugins OR have a marker about it because players seem to ignore the version of when plugins are last updated or even not notice at all the plugin has been last updated up to more than a year and then leave a comment about it expecting to actually get support or such!
Non the less, glad to hear the new stuff are comming in.
Why is World Gen going away?
That does appear odd. We'll look into it.
It will probably not be fixed until the new system is in place.
The description editor with BBCode is broken!
I try for the 10th time to create a code field.
-.-' Even showing the problem is broken! ...
Also the new list feature is broken. It inserts a extra point if there is a line breaking.
Please repair it, or write it completly new!
The text editor never worked proberly.
So im new at bukkit and because im new and im portuguese i dont no where is a forum.
(expect bad english)
So my friend: jackesninja has created a server 1.6.4 with bukkit and some plugins.
Today we are pvping in a arena and the serve have no lag and my friend goed to study.
I stayed at the arena with other friend and the server started to lag.The owner jackesninja goed to the server.log and the log of server is with chinese symbols.
So i realy dont no wath the fuck happened and i goed to google tradutor and its like a chinese fabule.
Its super akward and i realy need help is my friend hacked.Is that a virus?
Akwars text:
畇牡嵤䰠慯敤潣普杩牵瑡潩潦潷汲眧牯摬瑟敨敟摮ਧ〲㐱〭ⴳ㤲ㄠ㨷㠵㔺‴䥛䙎嵏嬠潗汲䝤慵摲⁝‴敲楧湯潬摡摥映牯✠潷汲❤㈊ⴴ㌰㈭‹㜱㔺㨸㐵嬠义但⁝坛牯摬畇牡嵤〠爠来潩獮氠慯敤潦眧牯摬湟瑥敨❲㈊ⴴ㌰㈭‹㜱㔺㨸㐵嬠义但⁝坛牯摬畇牡嵤〠爠来潩獮氠慯敤潦眧牯摬瑟敨敟摮ਧ〲㐱〭ⴳ㤲ㄠ㨷㠵㔺‴䥛䙎嵏嬠獅敳瑮慩獬⁝湅扡楬杮䔠獳湥楴污㉶ㄮ⸲ਲ〲㐱〭ⴳ㤲ㄠ㨷㠵㔺‵䥛䙎嵏䔠獳湥楴污㩳唠楳杮挠湯楦楦敬攠桮湡散数浲獩楳湯㈊ⴴ㌰㈭‹㜱㔺㨸㔵嬠义但⁝敐浲獩楳湯楬瑳摥椠獡瀠慬敹潣浭湡獤眠汩敢朠癩湥琠污獵牥㈊ⴴ㌰㈭‹㜱㔺㨸㔵嬠义但⁝䕛獳湥楴污偳潲整瑣⁝湅扡楬杮䔠獳湥楴污偳潲整瑣瘠⸲㈱㈮㈊ⴴ㌰㈭‹㜱㔺㨸㔵嬠义但⁝䕛獳湥楴污即慰湷⁝湅扡楬杮䔠獳湥楴污即慰湷瘠⸲㈱㈮㈊ⴴ㌰㈭‹㜱㔺㨸㔵嬠义但⁝䍛敲瑡癩䝥瑡獥⁝湅扡楬杮䌠敲瑡癩䝥瑡獥瘠⸲⸳ਰ〲㐱〭ⴳ㤲ㄠ㨷㠵㔺‵䥛䙎嵏ᬠせ㌻㬶㈲孭嬛㬰㘳ㄻ䍭敲瑡癩䝥瑡獥㈠㌮〮嬛㬰㘳㈻洲⁝嬛㬰㌳ㄻ㵭㴽䔠䅎䱂⁅呓剁⁔㴽ᬽ浛㈊ⴴ㌰㈭‹㜱㔺㨸㔵嬠义但⁝嬛㬰㘳㈻洲᭛せ㌻㬶洱牃慥楴敶慇整⸲⸳ᬰせ㌻㬶㈲嵭ᬠせ㌻㬳洱㴽‽久䉁䕌ᬠせ㌻㬲洱佃偍䕌䕔ᬠせ㌻㬳洱吨潯嬛㬰㔳ㄻㅭ㤳獭嬛㬰㌳ㄻ⥭㴠㴽嬛੭〲㐱〭ⴳ㤲ㄠ㨷㠵㔺‵䥛䙎嵏嬠慖楮桳潎慐正瑥⁝湅扡楬杮嘠湡獩乨偯捡敫⁴㍶ㄮ⸸ਵ〲㐱〭ⴳ㤲ㄠ㨷㠵㔺‵䥛䙎嵏嬠慖楮桳潎慐正瑥⁝潌摡湩畳灰牯⁴潦ㅶ㙟剟ਲ਼〲㐱〭ⴳ㤲ㄠ㨷㠵㔺‵䥛䙎嵏嬠汃慥䱲条⁝潎甠摰瑡獥映畯摮ਡ〲㐱〭ⴳ㤲ㄠ㨷㠵㔺‵䥛䙎嵏嬠慖楮桳潎慐正瑥⁝潃潬敲慮敭慴獧攠慮汢摥畢⁴⁉潣汵湤琧映湩慔䅧䥐㈊ⴴ㌰㈭‹㜱㔺㨸㔵嬠义但⁝噛湡獩乨偯捡敫嵴䘠牯愠敷潳敭挠汯牯摥渠浡瑥条湯瘠湡獩ⱨ瘠獩瑩㈊ⴴ㌰㈭‹㜱㔺㨸㔵嬠义但⁝噛湡獩乨偯捡敫嵴栠瑴㩰⼯敤畢歫瑩漮杲猯牥敶潭獤琯条 ㈊ⴴ㌰㈭‹㜱㔺㨸㔵嬠义但⁝噛湡獩乨偯捡敫嵴愠摮搠睯汮慯慔䅧䥐樮牡㈊ⴴ㌰㈭‹㜱㔺㨸㔵嬠义但⁝噛湡獩乨偯捡敫嵴丠睯栠潯楫杮椠瑮㌰㈭‹㠱ㄺ㨷㌱嬠义但⁝偛嵔氠捯汯捯㥯㜸椠獳敵敳癲
Could the default image not uglify my main page by putting itself in the corner like it does? If so then I'd happily add a default image.