Preparing for the new System

As we start preparing for the new system (yay new features) we are working on getting mods moved out of the Legacy Categories. Right now if you are in a Legacy Category and not in new categories your mod is harder for the users to find. We are reading through the descriptions of mods that have not been moved to new categories and are putting them in the (hopefully) appropriate category. You can of course edit the categories and change them to where you feel the mod belongs. Please do not pick "World Gen" as it will not be a selectable category in the new system, pick an appropriate sub-category.

While we are doing this we would also like to see mod authors add a default image to any non-api, non-library mod.  This image shows up in the search list and draws more attention to your mod from the users browsing the lists.

Please forgive us if we put your mod somewhere you don't feel it belongs.



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