Future Plans for the Curse Client

A few months ago myself and Adamar took over the actual development of the Curse Client. In that time we've taken it a long way, bugs have been squashed, ui's have been polished, and the experience has been streamlined.

However, we are by no means satisfied.

We've listened to the feedback brought to us by our users, we've examined them, and we've studied our options. In the next major release we're going to be doing a lot of things.

Some of these things include:

  • New features, such as UI Synchronization between computers.
  • Cleaner, more intuitive, interfaces.
  • Bugs will be squashed and problem code will be eliminated
  • No more popup progress bars!
  • Enhanced support for firewalls and proxies.

For our Mac users we'll also be bringing:

  • PPC Support
  • 10.4 Support
  • A true, native feeling custom UI.

We are dedicated to the client as one of our most important products and will be investing as much time, energy, and caffeine as is needed to address the needs of our users.

I'll be keeping you guys updated as we progress including screenshots, screencasts, and further announcements.



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