
The new Report managment

WorldReport is a plugin that provides an organised report managment allowing users to report any kind of infringement when any Staff member is not online or available. The reports are stored and when a Staff member connects, the plugin will advise him that there are reports that need to be processed. Just with a simple command, any user with permissions can make reports to the Staff, in the report, the users are allowed to add some text to specify what the infraction is; the localization and the date information are instantly added by the plugin, so the user does not need to add them.

This plugin colects metrics for, everybody will be able to see the information there and it is used for analysis tasks.


  • /report <infraction>: It will send a report.
  • /check: Shows you a global vision of all the report.
  • /check <Report ID>: It will show you a detailed description of a certain report.
  • /status <Report ID> <Status>: Set a report status, such as "checked", "resolved". Whenever a report is set to resolved, it will be deleted.
  • /assign <Report ID> <Assignment>: Assign a report to somebody.
  • /go<Report ID>: Teleports to the location where the user send the report. Usually is the infraction itself position.


  • worldreport.op: Manage reports..


  • Adding locale support
  • MySQL support
  • Huge optimization
  • Adding assign and status commands

Plugin Stadistic

Coming soon.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Feb 28, 2013
  • Last Released File
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