
White-List Trust

Open your white-listed server when trusted players are online!


Protect your server with the White-List but also allow new players to join when any OP or trust player is online. When an Op or trust player logs in, the white-list will be disabled until they logout. If all Ops or trust players logout, any players that are not on the white-list will be politely kicked from the game. Current white-listed players will not be removed from the game, only non white-listed players.

  • Allows non-white-listed players to join when a trust player or Op is online.
  • Removes non-white-listed players when no trust players or Ops are online.
  • Easily manage trust players and plugin configurations with simple in-game commands.


/whitelisttrust or /wltRoot plugin command and help.
add or trust <playername>Add a player to trust list.
remove or untrust <playername>Remove a player from trust list.
listDisplay all players on the trust list.
statusDisplay the current status of config.yml.
delay (seconds)Seconds before removing unlisted players.
notify (message)
-delay to include the delay in seconds.
The message to notify players not on white-list.
farewell (message)
-delay to include the delay in seconds.
The message after non white-listed players are removed.
enableEnable the plugin.
disableDisable the plugin.
reloadReload the configuration file.


whitelisttrust.manageGive a player the ability to manage the plugin. Ops can manage by default.


/whitelisttrust add oooorgle
Adds oooorgle to the trust players list.
/whitelisttrust remove practiclycrp
Removes practiclycrp from the trust players list.
/whitelisttrust delay 20
Twenty seconds given to Non-white-listed players before being removed when no trust players are online.
/whitelisttrust farewell Sorry for the inconvenience. You are not white-listed on this server. Please join again when another trust player is online.
Displays "Sorry for the inconvenience. You are not white-listed on this server. Please join again when another trust player is online." to players when they are removed from the game
/whitelisttrust notify Enabling the white-list! You will be logged out in -delay seconds.
Displays "Enabling the white-list! You will be logged out in 20 seconds." to non-white-listed players to notify them they are being removed from the game.
/whitelisttrust disable
Disable the White-list and deny the plugin the ability to toggle the white-list.


  1. Copy the .jar to your plugins folder and restart your server.
  2. Add players to the trust list /whitelisttrust add <playername>. Ops are trusted by default.
  3. Enable the plugin /whitelisttrust enable.


This plugin utilizes Hidendra's plugin metrics system, learn more.



For support and bug reporting please use the BukkitDev ticket system.

Known Caveats


Suggestions for improvements and additions to the next build are welcome in the comments.

Source Code

<3 CopyHeart <3


WhiteListTrust is currently maintained by one individual in his free time. The amount of time he spends improving on this project is down to personal motivation, he doesn't get paid to keep this updated. If you find this plugin is a valued part of your server, please consider making a donation.

Previous Version Pages

B: WhiteListTrust V1.0 for CB 1.7.9-R0.1 Jul 03, 2014

Other Plugins by this Author

llama - A collection of useful commands for both players and staff.
llamaArt - Turn your images into Pixel Art!
llamaGrapple - A simple yet customizable grapple hook!


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jun 25, 2014
  • Last Released File
    Aug 7, 2016
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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