
Overlook: Everyone knows how to easy get one's IP Adress, for most of us, we simply just use a command. But what about one's UUID? How do you get it just as easy as you can get an IP Adress, basically through a command? Well, this is what this plugin is specifically created for: To allow Administrators (Operators, and/or people with the proper permission) to get one's UUID for specific reasons.

This plugin can be used for: If you're the Administrator of a server, and you get a message from a player saying he has lost his rank for some reason, this player has changed name, and he tells you his previous IGN, and current IGN- if you then check both of these IGN's UUID, and they match, you know that it's the same person. Problem then solved. Of course you could just check both's IP Adress, but you never know if this person messaging you is a brother, sister, at a sleepover, etc... which of course leads to the IP Adress matches, but the UUID never changes, regardless of where you are.

Commands: /getuuid

Permissions: uuidfinder.getuuid (the permission required for the use of the command: getuuid)

OP (Operators) has all the permissions as Default.

Credits: PvPdog - Only Developer and Creator.

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    Apr 4, 2015
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