
Unclaimed ...

...Does what?

Unclaimed is meant to be a single plugin to check to ensure that protections across different plugins do not overlap, as well as remembering which land is unclaimed, unprotected. This is because some plugins may want to ensure certain actions can not be taken inside of these claimed lands, and it is difficult to check all possibilities.

What else?

  • Allows players to easily teleport to a random bit of unclaimed land, using the unclaimed tp command. This ends the question, "Where's the wild?"
  • Can be told to clean up (Regenerate) unclaimed land, ensuring the Wild is always fresh and ready for your members to pillage. This is a potentially destructive feature, and you absolutely must maintain backups of your world if you are going to enable this.

Currently Supports

Unclaimed currently supports two private Betterverse plugins, Communities and Unclaimed - as well as a public plugin, WorldGuard.

If a chunk has a WorldGuard region inside of it, it will not be regenerated.

Should Support Eventually

Towny, Factions, and LWC are all plugins that I would like to see support for in the future.

Towny/Factions would benefit by not having their land erased in enabled worlds, and LWC could benefit by having any land with an LWC protection not be regenerated. As well, we could force LWC protections be placed inside of a protected region or force it to be outside of a protected region. Depends entirely on your goals, but Unclaimed is fairly unrestrictive - developers just ask if land is claimed, and by what, and do what they wish with the response.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Mar 13, 2013
  • Last Released File
    May 19, 2013
  • Total Downloads
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