
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.



UltiMarket is a global Item market/shop plugin which automatically determines item prices based on supply and demand! UltiMarket acts as a globally accessible self-adjusting item shop on your server from which players can buy or sell almost any in-game item using in-game currency from any economy plugin!

As items are bought, their prices increase incrementally.

As items are sold, their prices decrease incrementally.

This means that over time, the prices of items on your server will adjust to reflect how much players want or don't want them and also how rare they are.

NEW in v1.1.4:

  • /setprice command!
    • Now you can set the prices of items in-game!
  • Also tonnes of bug fixes xD


Vault: http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/vault/

Also requires an Economy plugin!

It really doesn't matter which economy plugin you use, I'm pretty sure they'll all work, but I have tested it with BOSEconomy, and I know for a fact that that works fine.
BOSEconomy: http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/boseconomy/

Below is an example of a typical purchase with UltiMarket:




  • /buy [item] [amount]
    • Buys [amount] [item]s from UltiMarket!
  • /sell [item] [amount]
    • Sells [amount] [item]s to UltiMarket!
  • /price [item]
    • Checks the price of an item!
  • /expensive
    • Gives you a list of the most expensive items on the server! - (Has a small bug which causes some items not to appear for some reason.)
  • /cheap
    • Gives you a list of the least expensive items on the server!
  • /sellall
    • Sells all sellable items in your inventory!


  • /setprice [item] [price]
    • Sets the price of [item] to [price]!

You can also use "hand" to buy, sell, check the price of, etc. the item that's in your hand, eg. /sell hand 23, or /buy hand 20, or /price hand, or /setprice hand 2.30.



  • ultimarket.buy - Allows usage of /buy
  • ultimarket.sell - Allows usage of /sell
  • ultimarket.price - Allows usage of /price
  • ultimarket.sellall - Allows usage of /sellall


  • ultimarket.setprice - Allows usage of /setprice

This can open up a whole new aspect to your server:

Imagine a player, who we'll call Bob, notices the price of bread is surprisingly high. This would probably be because many other players have been buying bread for a food source. Our player has his wits about him and realises the potential profitability of this. He can build a huge wheat farm, turn the wheat into bread, and sell it, making a big profit! With this new found money, he can buy those bookcases he needed to complete his enchanting room. Also, he can't sell bread and make a large profit forever, as the price will be decreasing as he sells more! All this has been brilliant for the players who were using bread as a food source, because now their food is cheaper to buy! Everybody wins!

Players can even use the plugin like a stock market! They can buy items when they're cheap and then sell them when their price has gone up!

I have also added random price drops and raises of randomly selected items to happen every so often! You can turn this on or off in the config and also adjust it.

UltiByte Plugin Review:

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First, you should start and stop your server so the UltiMarket config generates, then you can go in and change the settings to whatever you wish. All the settings are explained within the config at the top :P


  • Imminent:
    • Deny buying and selling if the player is in creative mode.
  • Soon:
    • Add "all" argument, so players can do, for example, /sell hand all
    • Add config option to use Stock for items
    • Add price floor and ceiling option for individual items (disabled by default)
  • Future:
    • Add ability to purchase and sell enchantments
    • Add shop GUI
    • Restructure plugin so it adds items based in what items exist in the current server rather than which items I have pre-programmed into it
    • Add config option (disabled by default) to use % price changes
    • Change plugin database to MySQL, so it runs faster
    • Make an UltiMarket API
  • Maybe?
    • Allow prices to be passed to other plugins
    • Make UltiMarket work with StrangeWeapons in some way, eg. buying/selling keys

I created this plugin because a plugin I used to really like, (DynaMark by smickles), unfortunately stopped working as Bukkit updated. I had been looking around for any plugins which resembled DynaMark in terms of its simplicity of usage and its mechanic, but could only find either broken or insanely complicated ones. About a year passed and by this time I had learned Java and the Bukkit API with the help of woutwoot. I then decided to make UltiMarket! I should make it clear that this is NOT an update to DynaMark. This is a completely new plugin who's main mechanic resembles what DynaMark's was.

Bugs? Feature requests? General comments?

Please leave a comment so I know! =D Any bugs I'll try to squash for future updates and feature requests are welcomed as long as they're sensible xD, i.e. not "MAEK IT GIV EVERYONE A MILLION DIAMONDS BECOZ LOL"

Thank you!

Feel free to post your IP below if you're using UltiMarket by the way (making sure you say that you're posting it because you're using UltiMarket), that way people can go on your server and try it out before they download it :D, also I might come and have a peek xD, my Minecraft name is Warby579 :P


Download Count

  • 50 - Thank you! :D
  • 100 - :O, that was quick!
  • 500 - !!! :D :D

UltiMarket created by Andrew from UltiByte


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Sep 21, 2013
  • Last Released File
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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