
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

Skyotickets - A powerful ticket plugin !

Skyotickets is a powerful ticket plugin (a reborn of Ticket System GM). Actually, this one does not supports MySQL but supports remote control with sockets ! :D

If you have problems with messages, please DELETE your file (messages.yml). It will be re-created with original messages.


  • Not many commands (and sub-commands) to avoid disturbing your players.
  • File based system.
  • Easy to use for you and your players.
  • Highly configurable.
  • Tickets can save : id, priority, status, date, player, message, location and owners.
  • Remote control with sockets (you can download apps here).
  • Skyupdater included for auto-updating.

Commands and Sub-Commands

/ticket <priority> <text> - [Aliase(s) : /tk] - Used to create a new ticket.

/mytickets - [Aliase(s) : /mtk] - Used to view informations about your tickets.

/mtickets - [Aliase(s) : mticket, manage-ticket, manage-tickets] - Main command used to manage tickets (see sub-commands below : things in < > are optional and things in [ ] are not optional).

  • view <player> <id> - View the ticket <id> of <player>.
  • delete <player> <id> - Delete the ticket <id> of <player>.
  • claim <player> <id> - Claim the ticket <id> of <player>.
  • status <player> <id> - Change the status of the ticket <id> of <player>. You need to be an owner of this ticket.
  • teleport <player> <id> - Teleport you to the location of ticket <id> of <player>. You can use /mtickets tp <player> <id> instead.


ticket.* - Give access to all commands (and-subcommands).

ticket.view.* - Give access to all 'view' commands (and sub-commands).

ticket.delete.* - Give access to all 'delete' commands (and sub-commands).

ticket.request - Allow you to use /ticket <text>.

ticket.mytickets - Allow you to use /mytickets.

ticket.claim.ticket - Allow you to use /mtickets claim <player> <id>.

ticket.status.ticket - Allow you to use /mtickets status <player> <id>.

ticket.teleport.ticket - Allow you to use /mtickets teleport (or tp) <player> <id>.

ticket.view.ticket - Allow you to use /mtickets view <player> <id> (with the two arguments).

ticket.view.player - Allow you to use /mtickets view <player> (with only one argument).

ticket.view.all - Allow you to use /mtickets view (without arguments).

ticket.delete.ticket - Allow you to use /mtickets delete <player> <id> (with the two arguments).

ticket.delete.player - Allow you to use /mtickets delete <player> (with only one argument).

ticket.delete.all - Allow you to use /mtickets delete (without arguments).



FormattedString - The formatted appearance of a ticket.

PlaySound - If you want to play a "pop" sound when a ticket is created.

DateFormat - The format of the date which is saved in a ticket. Check this document for more informations.

NoData - When socket give no data, this text will be placed.

NoOwner - When a ticket does not have any owner.

TicketsFolder - The folder where you want to save the tickets.

MaxTicketsByPlayer - If you want to limit the amount of tickets by player. Will be reseted when you clear the player's ticket. Set to -1 if you want to disable it.

EnableUpdater - If you want to automatically update this plugin with Skyupdater.


Use - If you want to use the remote control.

Print - If you want to log informations (in the console) about connections, commands, ...

WhiteListedAddress - Adress that does not requires authentification.

Host - Usually, localhost. If you do not know what is it, please leave it as it.

Port - Do not use your Minecraft server port ! If you do not know what is it, please leave it as it.

Password - The client needs to know your password to be able to connect to your server.

Name - Name used in tickets.


A tutorial is available here.

Use - If you want to use remote database.

Host - The host of the remote database.

Port - The port of the remote database.

Password - The password of the remote database.


Use - If you want log actions into a file.

File - The file in which you want to log informations.


The plugin's messages.

If you want, you can share this with others people who speak the same language than you. Just post a comment with your file's link.

Remote controlling the plugin

This plugin can be remote controlled with sockets.

If you are a developer, you can build your own application to use with Skyotickets.

If you are anyone else, you can :


Presentation of Skyotickets :

Tutorial on how to use multiple installations of Skyotickets (as of v0.5) :

If you have a YouTube channel and you have made a video for Skyotickets, feel free to post it in the command, I will add it to the page ;)

Third party services

This plugin utilizes Hidendra's plugin metrics system, which means that the following information is collected and sent to :

  • A unique identifier
  • The server's version of Java
  • Whether the server is in offline or online mode
  • The plugin's version
  • The server's version
  • The OS version/name and architecture
  • The core count for the CPU
  • The number of players online
  • The Metrics version

This plugin uses the Skyupdater too which means that the following may occur :

  • Connection to
  • Plugin version compared against version on
  • Downloading of the plugin from

Before posting comments

I hate comments like this :

Quote from plantj0:

What a useless and bad plugin. Whenever i edit something in the config file it just changes it back.

So please read the documentation and this before posting a comment.

If you want to make a bug report or you want a new feature please use the ticket tracker here.


Development cost time and time is the money of the life. Please feel free to donate.



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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jan 5, 2014
  • Last Released File
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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