
What is SaveRod

Saverod is a simple plugin. It adds a new item to your inventory which you can use to save your inventory. For ex: you die, if you have the SaveRod in your pocket it will prevent the items to drop. You can have as many saverods as you want, but every time you die, it cost you 1 SaveRod.

The plugin is great for roleplay servers!


Please leave a comment if you like the idea or enjoy the plugin. This will encourage me to keep on creating unique plugins idea's. 

When you die

When you die and you got the SaveRod your items will be spared. So you don't lose your inventory. When you are out of rods and you die, the default stuff happens, you lose your stuff.



  • Save items when SaveRod is somewhere in your inventory
  • Save exp/level when SaveRod is somewhere in your inventory
  • Customize the itemname in the config file
  • Customize the lore in the config file
  • Customize the Itemsave message in the config file
  • Colorcodes are supported!
  • You can use this in shops!
  • *NEW Choose the material that acts like a saverod!


Coming up

  • Make the item enchanted
  • A command to convert old saverods into new saverods
  • set the actual item from ingame using a command
  • Implementing a reload for the config file


Commands and Permissions

description: Give yourself a saverod
permission: saverod.rod

command: /rod <player>
description: Give someone else a saverod
permission: saverod.rod.other



item:<br />  material: 'BLAZE_ROD'
  display-name: '&amp;5SaveRod'
  lore: '&amp;2The one and only!'
keep-levels: true

  give-yourself: '&amp;5You gave yourself a Saverod'
  give-other: '&amp;4You gave someone else a SaveRod'
  items-saved: '&amp;2Your items were saved by the powers of the &amp;6SaveRod'


Video's (pm me!)




  1. put the plugin in your plugins folder
  2. restart/reload the server
  3. edit the config file to your needs
  4. restart the server once more
  5. Done! Enjoy!


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jun 11, 2016
  • Last Released File
    Sep 30, 2018
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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