
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

Tired of crafting potions? Here is something to help you out :)


This plugin will grant you the ability to use potions via command. Starting from 1.0.3 cooldowns were added (default 10 secs)!


In the current version: /potheal <playername> -heals you with potion

/potblind <playername> - blinds you with potion

/potnight <playername> - see in dark with potion

/potinv <playername> - makes you invisible with potion

/potconf <playername> - makes you dizzy with potion

/potfish <playername> - underwater breath with potion

/pottank <playername> - increase damage resistance with potion

/potfire <playername> - fire-proof with potion

/potdmg <playername> - increase damage with potion

/potspeed <playername> - increase speed with potion

/potpois <playername> - poisons you with potion

/potfeed <playername> - feeds you

/pothunger <playername> - start starving with potion

/pot-timing - displays potion effects and their durations (effects and timings offered by this plugin)

/potionization - info of the plugin

/pothelp - command list

/pot-stop <playername> Stops all efects on player

/potslow <playername> - Slows specific player

/pot reload - reloads configuration

The <playername> tag is optional!


  potionization.bonuses.pozitive.*: Gives access to all pozitive potion commands(exception: /pot-stop, this has separate permissions)

potionization.bonuses.negative.*: Gives access to all negative potion commands

potionization.bonuses.pozitive.feed: Gives access to /potfeed command

potionization.bonuses.pozitive.heal: Gives access to /potheal command

potionization.bonuses.pozitive.tank: Gives access to /pottank command

potionization.bonuses.pozitive.dmg: Gives access to /potdmg command

potionization.bonuses.pozitive.fish: Gives access to /potfish command

potionization.bonuses.pozitive.speed: Gives access to /potspeed command

potionization.bonuses.pozitive.fire: Gives access to /potfire command

potionization.bonuses.pozitive.inv: Gives access to /potinv command

potionization.bonuses.pozitive.night: Gives access to /potnight command

potionization.bonuses.negative.pois: Gives access to /potpois command

potionization.bonuses.negative.conf: Gives access to /potconf command

potionization.bonuses.negative.hunger: Gives access to /potblind command

potionization.bonuses.negative.blind: Gives access to /pothunger command

potion.stop: Gives access to /pot-stop command

potionization.admin: Gives access to /pot reload command

potionization.bonuses.negative.slow: Gives access to /potslow command



Effects are now configurable! Read the help page to find out more! Help Here! Starting from version 1.0.3: Cooldowns configurable and also effects duration configurable

Version history:

0.1 Pre-release

1.0 Release

1.0.1 Release (useless-deleted)

1.0.2 Release

1.0.3 Release

1.0.5 Release

1.0.6 Release (current)

1.0.7 Release (on it's way :) )



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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jan 15, 2013
  • Last Released File
    Mar 27, 2013
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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