
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.


PlayerIP is a plugin that allows you to do more with your players ip adderess.

This plugin works with the newest version of bukkit!

I have set PlayerIP away, i don't see it usefull!

sorry for my bad english, english is not my native language. (but with google translate is it much better ;))
For config version history: click here the opportunities now at version 0.0.2 are:    * See what someone's ip.    * If a player joins the server, ops and players with permission see his ip    * Not so much further, someone sees opportunities?
known bugs: <s>1. you see an / for an ip. (half fixed)</s>
Commands: /ip <player> : see <players> ip /sameip <ip> : get an list of all the players with the ip <ip> (added in version 0.1.0)
Permissions: playerip.* = give permission to all commands. default: op playerip.getip = permission to use /ip. default: op playerip.hide = players with the permission playerip.getip cant see your ip. default: op playerip.override = overrides the playerip.hide permission. default: false playerip.onjoinip.get = show the ip of a player on joining the server default: op playerip.onjoinip.hide = hide your ip for players with the perm node playerip.onjoinip.get default: op playerip.sameip.use = can use the /sameip command playerip.sameip.notlisted = hide your ip in the iplist that you get when you used the /sameip command playerip.banip.use = achievement get! /banip user! playerip.banip.cannotbanned = helps you to don't get banned by ops who want to be funny.
ToDo list: * If ip is, you see localhost * Adding a config version so you can't have the wrong version. (abandoned for version 0.1.0) * added a command to get all players with the same ip * Add an ipban <player> command * Console command * added a command to get all players with the same ip (with permissions) (abandoned for version 0.1.0)
Changelog: 0.0.1: First release!
0.0.2: + Added playerip.override permission, default false
0.1.0: + Adding config file with the option use_override: true/false soo you can set to use the playerip.override permission default false / Changed playerip.override, setting default to op + If someone join the server, you can see his ip - removed bug 1 (not full fixed) / removed the port after the ip (not full fixed) Next version: 0.1.1: + added an new boolean in the config-file, onjoingiveip, to disable the OnPlayerJoin event for giving the ip.(done) + added an new command: /banip (player) to ban (player)'s ip.(done) + added an updatesystem (work in process)


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Aug 27, 2012
  • Last Released File
    Aug 29, 2012
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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