

Newspaper is the plugin to use to get information around your server as quickly as possible.


Newspaper is used to help notify users on your server about what is currently going on. You can edit the newspaper accordingly, going with what is happing on your server. For example, you could say 'Vote for our server at [link]' or 'New PvP server has been released!', then the majority of the players on your server would know about all of these events, just by reading the newspaper.

Installing the plugin itself is easy. Just drag the .jar file that you downloaded into your server's plugins folder, and do the same with any addons. Once it's installed, you can start up the server, and use all of the features as you would with any other plugin.


  • newspaper.admin: Access to all admin actions, such as creating a [News] sign
  • /news | /newspaper: Base command for newspaper
  • /news [book|map]: Get the newspaper in the form of a book or a map
  • /news [reload]: Reload the newspaper config file


  • Type /news to get the newspaper, in the form of a book or a map!
  • Create a [News] or [Newspaper] sign to get the news with!
  • Charge money to buy the newspaper
  • Easily spread the word about important information
  • More coming soon!

To-do List

  • SQL support to view news on your website
  • Color support for maps
  • Message on join
  • Custom newspapers in separate .txt files
  • Written out newspapers on maps (not sure if i still should)
  • Improve color system
  • Soft-depend on Vault

Known Bugs

  • Restarting the server resets all newspaper maps

Creating a Newspaper


You will need to go into the map.txt file, and edit it accordingly. You may need to mess around a bit, otherwise the map cuts off the text. That's why it's recommended to start new lines often so that everything shows up on your newspaper. Keep in mind that color symbols aren't currently supported on maps.


With books, it's easy enough. Edit the news.txt file accordingly, and if you need to start a new page, insert '=== NEW PAGE ===' on it's own line. Color symbols are supported for books, any '&' symbols you make in that file will show up as colors in the newspaper.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jul 5, 2012
  • Last Released File
    Feb 7, 2013
  • Total Downloads
  • License


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