
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.


What is it?

NetherIce is a simple plugin that allows you to get water when breaking an ice block in any world that you add to the configuration file.


netherice.*Access all NetherIce permissionsfalse
netherice.seetextSee a text when you broke an ice blockfalse
netherice.reloadReload the configfalse
netherice.updatecheckGet the updatecheck in chat when joining if availablefalse
netherice.breakAllow players to break the icefalse


  UpdateCheck: true
  ChatUpdateCheck: true
Text Stuff:
  Text On Break: true
  Text: '&4Text when &lbreak'
  Silktouch: true
  - ExampleWorld1
  - ExampleWorld2

If UpdateCheck is set to true, it will print a message in the console when an update is available.

If ChatUpdateCheck is set to true, it will send you a message when you join the server if an update is available, also if you have the correct permission.

If Text On Break is set to true, you will get a message when you broke the ice block, if you have the correct permission.
Change "Text" string to the message you want to display to the player when he broke the block if 'Text On Break' is set to true and the player have the correct permission.

If Silktouch is set to true, you need a silktouch tool to break the ice.

If a world, let's say a world named ice is the world you want players to be able to get water from the ice, you just add the "ice" world name to the world list.

When you are done configuring, you have to reload the config. Do this by typing netherice reload in the console or type /netherice reload in the chat.


Make breaking the ice blocks needs permission ← Added.
Add the requests from a guy in the comments ← Added.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jul 4, 2013
  • Last Released File
    Aug 2, 2013
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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