
Ever wanted to know the history of a particular Minecraft user? Now you can! By harnessing the power of the cloud you can pull down the history of any Minecraft username. By using a combination of initial username data from Mojang, user submitted data from actual servers and pre-caching we don't need to make as many requests to Mojang's servers, which in turn means we can do more with the data!

This plugin is still in beta so if you have any issues please let me know!

Website Update! We now pull username history straight from Mojang and then cache it if we don't have any history on a user.


  • Look up any user by username or UUID and see their username history!
  • Great for tracking down users who may have changed their username
  • Low server load
  • Website GUI @
  • Uploads your user list to the website to check for username changes
  • In game lookups!
  • Permissions

How to Setup

  1. Install the plugin on the server
  2. Create an account on
  3. Add the server on the website
  4. Paste the command given on the server: /userhistory setkey [key]
  5. Start looking them up!


  • /userhistory setkey [key] - Sets the key for the server
  • /userhistory check [username or UUID] - Checks the history for the player
  • You can also use the alias command /uh instead of /userhistory if that command isn't taken by another plugin.


  • mcusernamehistory.setkey - Allows the player to set the key for the plugin.
  • mcusernamehistory.invalidkey - Shows a message to the player if the key is invalid.
  • mcusernamehistory.checkplayer - Allows the player to check the username history of a user on the server.
  • mcusernamehistory.showservers - Allows the player to see the favorite server of a particular user.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Feb 28, 2015
  • Last Released File
    Feb 28, 2015
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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