
If you like the plugin, feel free to donate. Follow chryb_ @ Twitter

Language Support

If you want to change the language, overwrite the lang.yml file in the Market Directory. Please don't delete the paths or use 'tab'. If there is an error with the yml simple delete the lang.yml and reload the plugin. The default language is English. Except the English lang.yml all language files are not up to date.

Language: EN
NO_PERMISSION: You dont have the permission to use this command.
NO_VALID_SHOP: No valid normal Shop.

If you want translate a plugin in a other language, simple download the lang.yml, translate and pm me or write me an email.

Item Frame Shop

Why you should use this Plugin:

  • You can visualize the Items in the Shops.
  • You don't have to create a new entity in the world (better performance)
  • Simple to setup the shops

The new ItemFrame Shop should revolutionize the shop systems. In the ItemFrames you see the item which would purchased or retailed. The Shop Creator have to define the properties for the shop before. Therefore he should use this commands. You can select a ItemFrame simple with /shop select and RightClick the ItemFrame without any Item in your hand. The default Chest Location for a normal shop is directly under the ItemFrame. You can set chests on custom location with /shop set chest.

PermissionCommandDescription access about the normal user account access about the admin account
Market.cmd.amount/quantity [amount] (/q)Admit a purchase or a retail selectEnabled / Disabled the shop selection mode
Market.cmd.create.normal/shop create (Normal)Creates a normal shop when it is selected
Market.cmd.create.admin/shop create AdminCreates a admin shop when it is selected
Market.cmd.delete/shop deleteDelete a shop when it is selected
Market.cmd.set.retail/shop set retail [amount]Sets the Retail price of a shop
Market.cmd.set.purchase/shop set purchase [amount]Sets the Purchase price of a shop

For a full list of commands and permissions check out: Full O' List CMD's If you set the purchase/retail price to -1 with /shop set [purchase:retail] -1, you can lock the purchase/retail for these shop.

Shop Types

  • Admin: The items are infinite (You can type /shop create Admin to set him directly into a admin mode)
  • Normal: Under the ItemFrames stand chests with the items (like ChestShop)

With RightClick on the Sign ItemFrame you can see all properties.

  • If you want to BUY something: SHIFT + RightClick on the ItemFrame and after that type /quantity [amount] or /q [amount]
  • If you want to SELL something: SHIFT + LeftClick on the ItemFrame and after that type /quantity [amount] or /q [amount]

All Data from the Shops are saved in a Database. You need Vault and a Economy Plugin (like iConomy) to use this plugin.

Shop Chest Protection

You can enable / disable the Chest Protection for Item Frame Shops in the Config. (true = enable; false = disable) In the permission is the Chest Protection Access included.

    Enabled: true

Known Bugs

Bugs which stand here are not normal bugs (because these I'll fix so fast as I can) but rather bugs combined with other plugins, CraftBukkit and so on.

  • There is no possibility to get the amount of potion (with a subid about 8193) in a inventory
    • No potion retail
    • No potion purchase in normal shops



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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jul 8, 2012
  • Last Released File
    Nov 24, 2012
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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