King of the Hill

King of the Hill

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King of the Hill is a minecraft plugin designed to resemble the popular King of the Hill combative experience. The objective of this game is to control a small location known as the hill. The hill is a rotating area which cycles through configurable locations. Both red and blue teams try to assert dominance of the hill to score points. The first team to reach a certain score wins. Have fun using the plugin! Any features or bug requests would be greatly appreciated if you let me know here.


- As many arenas as your <3 desires
- Create your own configurable and diverse classes
- Per-class and per-arena permissions
- Rotating hills with dynamic capabilities such as configurable timers, sizes, shapes, etc.
- Extensive Developer API
- Auto-Updater notifications and commands (both can be toggled)
- Seven incredibly fun abilities for you to play around with.
- Isolated chatting features
- Configurable sidebar scoreboards that display lots of arena information.
- One-life gamemode support
- Spectating, Lobbies and end-warps are all part of the fun!
- Per-player and per-arena stats-tracking
- Fully functional economy support (with Vault)
- Prizes
- Killstreaks and Winstreaks
- Easy to setup
- And so much more!

Getting Started

To get started using King of the Hill, you will need to download one of the JAR files and throw it in your plugins directory. You can read a quick tutorial on installing King of the Hill.

King of the Hill is easy once you get in the hang of it, but this can be a bit taxing. I've taken the time in starting a whole wiki and FAQ for you to use to your leisure.

Once the plugin has been loaded, you need to create your very own arena if you haven't done so already. Take a gander at the in-progress Arena Setup page to become an expert at setting up arenas. After you finish setup, you and your friends are ready to play!


Thank you to Numero Uno for making this video tutorial.

All players with permission koth.admin.update or koth.admin will receive updates whenever a new file is updated. However, you may disable this in the config.yml file by changing 'check-for-updates' to false. Additionally, if 'check-for-updates' is true, and 'update-cmds' is true, you may use /koth update in-game to update to the newest version, provided an update is available. The auto-updater is not intrusive in any way and simply allows me to push updates to as many users as quickly as possible, but if you feel uncomforted by it you may disable it as you wish :)


I work on this plugin in my free time. If you appreciate the plugin, please consider donating to me and help me boost my $0.05/day wage by clicking the button. In return, you will receive my eternal gratitude. <3


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Dec 27, 2013
  • Last Released File
    Jun 28, 2016
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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