
HorseTools! A simple plugin that allows you to lock your horses to you so no one can take them! And if you have Essentials, you may use Essentials warps while riding a horse!

HorseTools is simple and easy to use. You can lock your horses, and so can your users. They can also use their horses on Essentials Warps too! The plugin is simple to set up, just put in the plugins folder and it's good to go! No config required, but you can configure what you like! If you want it to be configurable, but it isn't, drop a comment or file a ticket and I'll make it so you can configure it!

Current Version: v7

NEW: 1.7.x Support
NEW: Added Staff bypass with permissions!
NEW: Horse locks moved to their own file
NEW: Added config.
NEW: Added ability to disable protection of locked horses from players.
NEW: Added ability to determine who can lock horse with the use of permissions
NEW: Made Essentials Optional. Useful for server who want to lock horse, but don't need the /warp part.
NEW: Added ability to ride a horse without having to lock it.

FIXED: Locked horses can not be killed by players without the bypass permission!
FIXED: Bug in reloading config.
FIXED: Sometimes horse protections wouldn't disable


- /ht
~ Root command for HorseTools

- /ht lock
~ Used to Lock a horse to the user.
~ Requires: HorseTools.lock

- /ht unlock
~ Used to unlock a horse from any owners.
~ Requires: HorseTools.lock

- /ht info
~ Used to display the ID and Owners of a horse.

- /ht add USER
~ Used to add the user supplied to the list of horse Owners on a horse.
~ Requires: HorseTools.lock

- /ht reload
~ Used to reload the list of Horse Owners and the config from disk.
~ Requires: HorseTools.reload.


- HorseTools.bypass
~ Allows the holder of the permission to bypass Locks. Default false.

- HorseTools.lock
~ Allows the holder of the permission to lock/unlock their horses. Default true.
~ If you would like to disable a group's/person's ability to lock a horse, add the negated/denied version of this permission.
~ eg. For Group Manager, add the permissions "-HorseTools.lock" This will deny the group the permission.

Allows the holder to reload HorseTools. Default false.


~ true/false. Allows you to toggle if locked horses are protected from other players trying to damage them or not. Default: true

~ true/false. Allows you to toggle if a player must lock/claim a horse in order to ride it. Useful if a group lacks the ability to lock horse. Default: true

Feature Requests:

If you would like to request a feature, I'd love to hear it!
You can submit a request with...
A Comment below,
A Ticket here
or A Forum Post here
And I'll try to add it!

I believe that good plugins should be free to Community. However, if you would like to show me support beyond using my plugin, please consider donating. You can donate any amount you like, and as always, thanks for using HorseTools!

NOTE: This plugin contains MCStats as a Statistics application. You may disable this if you like.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jul 7, 2013
  • Last Released File
    Jul 14, 2013
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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