
This is completely compatible with 1.12, 1.13!

To my knowledge, 1.14 should also pose no issue. Submit a bug report if you find otherwise and I'll fix it up. (10/16/19)


Logo by xDizasterCYx Thank you!


CommandsForSale is an extremely lightweight plugin that allows you to sell commands to your players from a shop GUI. Each command is set up in the configuration file with the price and all other aliases of the command.

What Makes CommandsForSale different than other command buying plugins?

  • Does a command have an alias? You can block that too and it unlocks when the command is bought!
  • Want players to be able to buy a single use pass? You can do that!
  • Want full control over the look of your GUI? You have that!

Video Tutorial!



  • /buycmd- Opens the command shopping GUI.
  • /buycmd [Command Name]- Initiates the purchase of a command. Once the purchase has begun, it must be confirmed by /confirm or /deny if the user does not want to continue. Purchases cannot be made if it leaves the player with a negative balance
  • /buyonce <CommandName> [price]- buys a one time use pass for the command named. Adding the price argument will state the price of that command. There is no confirmation for these purchases.The pass will allow the next attempted use of the command and can stack.
  • /confirm- Confirms the purchase initiated by /buycmd or if the GUI was closed without finishing
  • /deny- Denies the purchase initiated by /buycmd or if the GUI was closed without finishing
  • /boughtcmds [Player Name]- Lists all the commands that the user has purchased. To see other players, the sender must have the cmdsforsale.moderator permission. (Console exempt)
  • /cmdstobuy- Lists the command that the sender can purchase (Not including commands already purchased)
  • /cmdsforsale <reload || addcmd || addalias || updatestatus>- Note: This command requires the permission node cmdsforsale.moderator (Console exempt). /cfs is an alias of this command

Subcommands of /cmdsforsale

  • reload- Refreshes the configuration file including any edits made to be auto-generated.
  • addcmd <Command Name>- Adds a command to the config and creates the settings necessary to configure the command
  • addalias <Command Name> <Alias Name>- Adds the specified alias to the command given
  • updatestatus- Gives the status from the last update attempt


  • Vault (For an economy)


  • cmdsforsale.moderator - Gives the player access to all subcommands of /cmdsforsale and can view other player's purchases. Players are also exempt from buying commands with this node.
  • cmdsforsale.buyexempt - Exempt the player from the purchase of commands without giving them moderator abilites. Moderators do not need to be given this permission.
  • cmdsforsale.use - Gives the player access to commands in commandsforsale. This is on by default.

Configuration File

While the video tutorial is better, here's a text form of the config instructions.

Comming Soon

Nothing at the moment, but please give me ideas!

External Resources

Plugin Metrics

This plugin uses PluginMetrics, a service that allows plugin developers to see how their plugin is being used. The following data is read from the server in some way or another:

  • File Contents of plugins/Plugin Metrics/config.yml (created if not existent)
  • Players currently online (not max player count)
  • Server version string (the same version string you see in /version)
  • Plugin version of the metrics-supported plugin
  • Mineshafter status - it does not properly propagate Metrics requests however it is a very simple check and does not read the file system

The following data is sent to

  • Metrics revision of the implementing class
  • Server's GUID (I can't see this)
  • Players currently online (not max player count)
  • Server version string (the same version string you see in /version)
  • Plugin version of the metrics-supported plugin

ALL data that I receive has been posted here.


This plugin uses Updater. This service will automatically update the plugin without any work from a server owner. It can be disabled in the CommandsForSale config, and is explained in the config PDF file.

Source Code

GitHub Link

Known Issues With v1.2.5

- The material list for GUIs is outdated. Just be careful and things should be okay.


Have an error? Submit a ticket! Have a suggestion? I'd love to hear your opinions!:


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Nov 10, 2014
  • Last Released File
    Sep 15, 2015
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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