
What does it do?

This plugin lets the admin/users setup a repair station and an invoice station. Check how much it would cost to repair your items, as well as get a detailed list of all the prices for each and every item.

Does this use permissions?

Yes it does, you can create permissions nodes so that only admins can place signs, or perhaps you want normal players to create invoice signs but you dont want them to place blacksmiths signs.

Does this use an econ system?

Indeed it does use an econ system. We programed this with vault. This means that our plugin will work with any econ system you might be using ( lest a custom one ).

Can i change the amount it charges for each type of item?

Yes, in fact you can change the prices for each item type as well as additional charges for anything that has an enchantment. You can even go as far as to setup prices for each level of enchant.


Estimation Readout

Estimate Armor Sign

Estimate cost of all armor equipped

Repair Armor Sign

Repairs all armor equipped

Repair Sign

Repair item in hand

Estimate Sign

Estimate item price in hand


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Apr 25, 2012
  • Last Released File
    Apr 27, 2012
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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