Vanish 2

This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.


I needed a quick and simple invisibility solution for my server, but not one that required Spout to use, so I dug up this abandoned project, and updated it to work with the latest Bukkit. Any thanks or donations for this should probably go to EvilNilla as the previous updater or to Nodren as the original developer (all I did was replace some deprecated code and cleaned it up a tiny bit.) I will try to keep this current if nothing else, but I can add features upon request if there is enough interest to warrant it.

Invisibility with toggling of item pickups, mob targeting and listing of vanished players, DOES NOT require Spout (just Craftbukkit).


  • /poof | /vanish - Vanish.
  • /nopickup - Disable item pickup.


  • vanish.* - All permissions (OP has this by default)
  • vanish.vanish - Vanish
  • vanish.list - Show vanished players
  • vanish.nopickup - Disable item pickup
  • vanish.nopickup.list - Show players with pickup disabled
  • vanish.noaggromobs - Disable mob targeting


Though this works completely on standard clients, some hacked clients can circumvent this plugin. If your purpose in using this plugin is purely administrative, be aware that the occasional griefer/cheater might be able to see you. You can look at that as a serious issue with the plugin and instead use VanishNoPacket which offers much more in features and security, but DOES require your server to run Spout. HOWEVER: You can use this to your advantage as an X-Ray detector. Using this plugin, when you know you've been seen, you then know that the person that saw you was cheating (using a hacked client.) That's all I need to know administratively to take action, but if your server allows certain types of cheating or hacked clients, this may not allow you to effectively snoop. (Although if you prevent griefing or cheating because the offending party knows that an admin/owner is watching, your mission is accomplished anyway.)

Anyone who isn't cheating will not be able to see a player who is invisible. So far in testing we have not found an exception to this rule. Additionally, though it is stated elsewhere that this plugin can be circumvented, I, nor the players on my server have actually observed this, so it may be a rare case. *EDIT* We have now directly observed hacked clients that can see invisible users. It still seems to be rare, but it happens. Again, you can use this to your advantage as a built-in X-Ray detector, or you can go with Spout and the more secure vanish plugin for absolute invisibility.


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