
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

No admins online? Too busy helping others? Tired of replying to "can i be op"? This chatbot can respond to simple questions like "can i be admin"(which I bet you'll make it say "no") or respond to greetings like "hello"!

Configuring your chatbot

The config is self-explanatory.

#TechBot configuration generated by TechBot version 1.1

Name: TechBot

Prefix: [

Suffix: ]

#Possible colors: aqua, black, blue, darkaqua, darkblue, darkgray, darkgreen, darkpurple, darkred, gold, gray, green, lightpurple, red, white, yellow

NameColor: BLUE

ChatColor: GREEN

#Choose 2 settings:

#broadcast - broadcasts chat to whole server(makes chat seem more real)

#pm - message only displays to player(makes it seem like the player is talking to him/her self)

ChatMode: broadcast

#Choose 2 settings:

#read - reads phraselist every chat

#load - loads phraselist when the plugin is enabled

PhraseListLoading: read

Adding phrases

Warning: Don't add too many phrases or your server WILL lag when someone chats (It will lag less if PhraseListLoading is set to load).

This may be a bit harder. The default phrases.txt looks like this:

#Phrase list for TechBot

#Phrases follow this format:


#do NOT leave any spaces near the colon

A phrase would look like: "i'm new to the server:Welcome to the server!"

If a chat line contains a phrase, the chatbot responds. This means that it would recognize "hello server!" when the phrase is "hello:Welcome!".

The left side of the colon is the phrase that the chatbox will recognize. The right side is the response. Simple?


Like TechBot? Donations would always be nice!

Donate! :P


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Nov 6, 2011
  • Last Released File
    Mar 19, 2012
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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