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The ultimative and fairer experience points splitting experience!

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Current version: 2.3

SplitXP is a plugin that brings fair direct experience splitting instead of that (all) experience orbs getting dropped on opponents death (because they could be stolen etc.) to your server for all/no players, all/specific/no mobs in all/specific world names/environments. All other things (like blocks) will still drop experience orbs (but this can be changed by setting main.giveBlockExpDirectlyToMiner to true in version 2.0 and up).

The amount of experience points each player who has been involved in killing the player/mob will get depends on how much damage every single player dealt by using this formula: (SinglePlayerDamage / TotalPlayerDamage) * ExperiencePoints OR (SinglePlayerDamage / EntityMaxHealth) * ExperiencePoints (when experienceAmountOnlyDependsOnDamageDealtByPlayers is true).

It is also possible to e.g. only let the plugin split experience when the Enderdragon got killed in the_end environment.

SplitXP also has many additional features and functionalities that can be seperately enabled/disabled/configured as you need them but the plugins main feature is the splitting of experience. There also are battle anti-cheating/penalty options. For example it is possible to configure a timeout before a player is able teleport again after his last hit/hit got in battle. Also there is a penalizing feature that not only relies on the battle timeout but also checks the players health. If the players health is low while battle and he quits the game/teleports/goes through a portal/changes world, there can be configured that those players get their inventories cleared and/or losing all their experience points like when they had been killed. Also it is configurable that these events only will get cancelled.

SplitXP is also as efficient as possible to bring out the ultimative experience points splitting experience that is fairer than the standard system where (all) experience orbs get dropped that every player near them could (accidently) pick up. A lot of configuration options are changable either temporarily or permanently (= with saving settings to configuartion file) live in game by using the /sxp info|(msg <on|off>)|reload|on|off|di|clean|clear|(set <debug|maxexp|btimeout|language|...> [permanent] <on|off|value>) command.


  • /sxp info
    • outputs some information about the plugin (description, version number etc.)
  • /sxp msg <on|off>
    • Players can toggle their own damage messages state/decide wether to show entity damage messages or not
  • /sxp di
    • Prints some debug information like cache sizes
  • /sxp clean
    • Cleans the caches manually (all things that havn't already been cleaned by events/cleanup thread yet)
      • Non-existent/invalid/unloaded entities
      • Offline/invalid players
      • Expired timeouts
  • /sxp clear
    • Clears all entities->players->damage cache mappings
    • Clears all players->lasthit time mappings
  • /sxp set <debug|maxexp|lang|btimeout|main.<...>|split.<...>|battle.<...>|messages.<...>.<de|en|...>|...> [permanent] <on|off|value|...>
    • Change configuration options live in game
    • When given "permanent" it saves the changes to the configuration file

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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Sep 23, 2012
  • Last Released File
    Feb 10, 2014
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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