
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.


stargate.use - Allow use of all gates linking to any world in any network (Override ALL network/world permissions. Set to false to use network/world specific permissions)

  • - Allow use of gates linking to any world
  •{world} - Allow use of gates with a destination in {world}. Set to false to disallow use.
  • - Allow use of gates on all networks
  •{network} - Allow use of all gates in {network}. Set to false to disallow use.

stargate.option - Allow use of all options

  • stargate.option.hidden - Allow use of 'H'idden
  • stargate.option.alwayson - Allow use of 'A'lways-On
  • stargate.option.private - Allow use of 'P'rivate
  • - Allow use of 'F'ree
  • stargate.option.backwards - Allow use of 'B'ackwards
  • - Allow use of 'S'how
  • stargate.option.nonetwork - Allow use of 'N'oNetwork
  • stargate.option.random - Allow use of 'Random' gates

stargate.create - Allow creating gates on any network (Override all create permissions)

  • stargate.create.personal - Allow creating gates on network {playername}
  • - Allow creating gates on any network
  •{networkname} - Allow creating gates on network {networkname}. Set to false to disallow creation on {networkname}
  • stargate.create.gate - Allow creation of any gate layout
  • stargate.create.gate.{gatefile} - Allow creation of only {gatefile} gates

stargate.destroy - Allow destruction gates on any network (Orderride all destroy permissions)

  • stargate.destroy.personal - Allow destruction of gates owned by user only
  • - Allow destruction of gates on any network
  •{networkname} - Allow destruction of gates on network {networkname}. Set to false to disallow destruction of {networkname} - Allow free use/creation/destruction of gates

  • - Allow free use of Stargates
  • - Allow free creation of Stargates
  • - Allow free destruction of Stargates

stargate.admin - Allow all admin features (Hidden/Private only so far)

  • stargate.admin.private - Allow use of Private gates not owned by user
  • stargate.admin.hidden - Allow access to Hidden gates not ownerd by user
  • stargate.admin.reload - Allow use of /sg reload

Default Permissions

  • stargate.use - Everyone
  • stargate.create - Op
  • stargate.destroy - Op
  • stargate.option - Op
  • - Op
  • stargate.admin - Op


Building a gate:

  • OO
  • O O - These are Obsidian blocks. You need 10.
  • O O - Place a sign on either of these two blocks of Obsidian.
  • O O
  • OO

Sign Layout:

  • Line 1: Gate Name (Max 12 characters)
  • Line 2: Destination Name [Optional] (Max 12 characters, used for fixed-gates only)
  • Line 3: Network name [Optional] (Max 12 characters)
  • Line 4: Options [Optional] :
  • 'A' for always-on fixed gate
  • 'H' for hidden networked gate
  • 'P' for a private gate
  • 'F' for a free gate
  • 'B' is for a backwards facing gate (You will exit the back)
  • 'S' is for showing an always-on gate in the network list
  • 'N' is for hiding the network name
  • 'R' is for random gates. These follow standard permissions of gates, but have a random exit location every time a player enters.

Options: The options are the single letter, not the word. So to make a private hidden gate, your 4th line would be 'PH'.

Using a gate:

  • Right click the sign to choose a destination.
  • Right click the button to open up a portal.
  • Step through.

Fixed gates:

  • Fixed gates go to only one set destination.
  • Fixed gates can be linked to other fixed gates, or normal gates. A normal gate cannot open a portal to a fixed gate however.
  • To create a fixed gate, specify a destination on the second line of the stargate sign.
  • Set the 4th line of the stargate sign to "A" to enable an always-open fixed gate.

Gate networks:

  • Gates are all part of a network, by default this is "central".
  • You can specify (and create) your own network on the third line of the sign when making a new gate.
  • Gates on one network will not see gates on the second network, and vice versa.
  • Gates on different worlds, but in the same network, will see eachother.

Hidden Gates:

  • Hidden gates are like normal gates, but only show on the destination list of other gates under certain conditions.
  • A hidden gate is only visible to the creator of the gate, or somebody with the stargate.hidden permission.
  • Set the 4th line of the stargate sign to 'H' to make it a hidden gate.

iConomy Support: Stargate has support for iConomy. Gate creation, destruction and use can all have different costs associated with them. You can also define per-gate layout costs. The default cost is assigned in the config.yml file, while the per-gate costs are defined in the .gate files. To define a certain cost to a gate just add these lines to your .gate file:

  • usecost=5
  • destroycost=5
  • createcost=5
  • toowner=true

Custom Gate Layout

You can create as many gate formats as you want, the gate layouts are stored in plugins/Stargate/gates/ The .gate file must be laid out a specific way, the first lines will be config information, and after a blank line you will lay out the gate format. Here is the default nether.gate file:

  • portal-open=90
  • portal-closed=0
  • X=49
  • -=49
  • XX
  • X..X
  • -..-
  • X*.X
  • XX

portal-open/closed are used to define the material in the gate when it is open or closed. "X" and "-" are used to define block "types" for the layout (Any single-character can be used, such as "#"). In the gate format, you can see we use "X" to show where obsidian must be, "-" where the controls (Button/sign) are. You will also notice a "*" in the gate layout, this is the "exit point" of the gate, the block at which the player will teleport in front of. You can supply block data in the format X=35:15 Which would only allow black wool. If no data is supplied any version of a block will work (Any color of wool for example).


  • default-gate-network - The default gate network
  • portal-folder - The folder your portal databases are saved in
  • gate-folder - The folder containing your .gate files
  • destroyexplosion - Whether to destroy a stargate with explosions, or stop an explosion if it contains a gates controls.
  • useiconomy - Whether or not to use iConomy
  • createcost - The cost to create a stargate
  • destroycost - The cost to destroy a stargate (Can be negative for a "refund"
  • usecost - The cost to use a stargate
  • chargefreedestination - Enable to allow free travel from any gate to a free gate
  • freegatesgreen - Enable to make gates that won't cost the player money show up as green
  • toowner - Whether the money from gate-use goes to the owner or nobody
  • maxgates - If non-zero, will define the maximum amount of gates allowed on any network.
  • lang - The language to use (Included languages: en, de, es, fr, hu, it, nl, pt-br, ru)
  • destMemory - Whether to set the first destination as the last used destination for all gates
  • ignoreEntrance - Set this option to true to not check the entrance of a gate on startup. This is a workaround for snowmen breaking gates.
  • handleVehicles - Whether or not to handle vehicles going through gates. Set to false to disallow vehicles (Manned or not) going through gates.
  • sortLists - If true, network lists will be sorted alphabetically.
  • protectEntrance - If true, will protect from users breaking gate entrance blocks (This is more resource intensive than the usual check, and should * only be enabled for servers that use solid open/close blocks)
  • signColor: This allows you to specify the color of the gate signs. Valid colors:
  • debug - Whether to show massive debug output
  • permdebug - Whether to show massive permission debug output

Message Customization

It is possible to customize all of the messages Stargate displays, including the [Stargate] prefix. You can find the strings in plugins/Stargate/lang/en.txt. If a string is removed, or left blank, it will not be shown when the user does the action associated with it. There are three special cases when it comes to messages, these are:

  • ecoDeduct=Spent %cost%
  • ecoRefund=Refunded %cost%
  • ecoObtain=Obtained %cost% from Stargate %portal%

As you can see, these three strings have %cost% and %portal% variables in them. These variables are fairly self-explanatory.

The full list of strings is as follows:

  • prefix=[Stargate]
  • teleportMsg=Teleported
  • destroyMsg=Gate Destroyed
  • invalidMsg=Invalid Destination
  • blockMsg=Destination Blocked
  • denyMsg=Access Denied
  • destEmpty=Destination List Empty
  • ecoDeduct=Deducted %cost%
  • ecoRefund=Redunded %cost%
  • ecoObtain=Obtained %cost% from Stargate %portal%
  • ecoInFunds=Insufficient Funds
  • createMsg=Gate Created
  • createNetDeny=You do not have access to that network
  • createPersonal=Creating gate on personal network
  • createNameLength=Name too short or too long.
  • createExists=A gate by that name already exists
  • createFull=This network is full
  • createWorldDeny=You do not have access to that world
  • createConflict=Gate conflicts with existing gate

Known Bugs

Unable to reproduce: Stargates teleport a user into the ground/under the ground Bukkit Issue (as of last test): Stargate will randomly NPE when drawing a sign. Long-standing Bukkit issue, that they just made worse by disallowing me to override the sign class. This won't actually affect Stargate use.

Other Notes

  • This plugin is based upon to the original Stargate plugin created by Drakia but the code is all new and there are new features.

Supported Plugins/Features.

  • This plugin supports Register as well as Vault and IConomy
  • BungeeCord is supported as well
  • I will make a video soon on how to use this plugin.

If you have any questions just ask in the comments below.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jan 2, 2015
  • Last Released File
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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