

Have you ever had annoying spammers? Perhaps they got kicked from your server by another plugin but had a hack to keep logging back in? You banned a few of their accounts but they had a ton?

Fear no more. SpamX is the anti-spam plugin to end all anti-spam plugins.

They way it works is it has a configurable level defining what is spam(default 3 messages per second).

It can be configured via SpamX.yml which is located in the same folder as your craftbukkit.jar. Every time you cross that limit you get an offense. if you get too many offenses you are banned(default offense limit is 3. configurable by the same file).

If that annoying spam hack finds it's way onto your server just set the offense limit at 1 and watch the magic!

Added a log feature.

When a player is kicked it logs the time they were kicked(or banned), their ip address<sub> and the time.</sub>

Uses the file spamx.log which is located in the same directory as craftbukkit.jar


/xreload Reloads the config file.

/xoffense <player> Checks a players offense level.

/xsetoffense <player> <number> Set's the players offense level.


SpamX.reload Grants the permission to use the /xreload command.

SpamX.checklevel Grants the permission to use the /xoffense command.

SpamX.setlevel Grants the permission to use /xsetoffense command.

SpamX.bypass Let's a user bypass the spam check.


If you would like to browse the source click here for a github link.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Apr 16, 2012
  • Last Released File
    Apr 26, 2012
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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