
Snowmen Logo

Donate if you appreciate the work as it costs a lot of time and effort to create this plugin. If not then I hope you let other people know about my work.


Introduction video!

Let snowmen distract creatures like creepers, zombies, spiders and all the other annoying monsters when survivaling.

With this plugin you can create a statue where snowmen can be summoned.
You will just spawn snowmen, they will not follow you or whatever. They are just meant to distract other creatures.

It is really simple.
Just create a statue:

[Jack 'O Lantern]
[Iron Block]
[Iron Block]

(So it's just like creating a snowman but replace snow blocks with iron blocks and the pumpkin with a jack o lantern.)

People can now interact with the statue while having 15(default) snowballs(default) in their hand.

You can configure the needed item and amount.
You can also give the item a name. (default: Snowballs)

How to install

Just copy Snowmen.jar to your /plugins folder.
You also need Vault, go here to get Vault!


Needed amount: 15          // Needed amount of the set item.
Used item: 332             // Item used to summon snowmen.
Used item name: Snowballs  // Name of your item.
SnowballDamage: 5

Needed amount: 15
Change this to the amount you want to be used.
NOTE: This will be the amount of the item IN HAND so an amount above 64 will probably not work and above 16 for snowballs won't work either.

Used item: 332
Item id of the item you want to be used. (default: 332 >> snowballs)

Used item name: Snowballs
Item name, only used for the plugin. The item will keep its original name in your inventory.


  • snowmen.statue.create >> Allows the user to create a snowmanstatue.
  • snowmen.statue.destroy >> Allows the user to destroy a snowmanstatue.
  • snowman.summon >> Allows the user to summon a snowman.

Planned features

  • Snowballs do damage so the snowmen fight for you.
  • Configurable statue items


Changelog can be found here.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Dec 14, 2011
  • Last Released File
    Mar 14, 2012
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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