
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.


The short version:

Allows server owners to blacklist list player skins, and reserve skins for specific players.

The Long version

Using this plugin will check a players skin at login to see if it is on a blacklist. If the players skin is blacklisted, it promptly kicks the player from the server, as not to scorn the eyes of your other players. In game commands are available to ban skins. So when you see yet another nude skin you can just ban that skin forcing the player to change there skin if they want to join the server.

A bypass permission has also been included allowing a player to ignore the blacklist altogether. So admins can login using banned skins. A per-skin permission is also included allowing a player to use a specific skin. By putting a players skin on the blacklist and giving them the permission to login using there skin you have effectively blocked every other player from "stealing" that skin. This can be used to let server staff have access to a special skin or just for a single player.

Feature Requests

Please submit a ticket.


Note: player names are case sensitive and need to be in full.

  • /skin [player] - Gets a players skin hash. If the players name is left blank then it will return the hash of your skin.
  • /sban [player] - Bans a players skin.

Permissions (superperms)

  • skin.admin - Allows a player to get and ban skins
  • skin.bypass - Bypasses the blacklist for that player
  • skin.default - Allows player to use the Steve skin ( If its on the Blacklist )
  • skin.<hash> - Allows player to bypass a specific hash on the blacklist

eg) skin.64cf779f6fb9c6e35d8a265764f143f6: true


Found in /plugins/SkinList/blacklist.hash

Its a list of banned player skin hashes, one per line.

Note if you put the word "default" in that file on its own line it will block the Steve skin.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Dec 13, 2011
  • Last Released File
    Jun 14, 2012
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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