

Dear Anyone. I am unfortunately done with Bukkit. I know the staff will probably begin removing my plugins and for this, I'm sorry. Bukkit has become a chore and decided to focus on furthering screwing up their community and restricting code. For this reason: I urge you to read my friends Bergekillers' post here. Then start reminiscing of the good old days. Goodbye users of Bukkit and my plugins. I cannot work within a jail anymore. This will be the last and final update to this plugin. Again, I'm sorry. But programming for Bukkit is just not fun.

Sign Master is another fun little idea I had 3 hours ago. Sign Master allows you and your players to read a sign for what it's worth! What do I mean by this? Sign Master allows you to create a Sign Post or Wall Sign with the first line being whatever you want it to be! By default it's "[SM]" (See Picture) this then will create the sign and include the default text. Then Right click the sign!

For Server Owners

Looking for a programming team that can help you meet your servers full potential? Looking for a completely original plugin that no other server has that can make yours stand out? Well lets achieve that goal! Please private message me or add me on my business's skype account: SeaModstser. We hope to hear from you as soon as possible. Just send us your budget and request all we'll get started if it's possible!

What Does This Plugin Do?!

Very simple concept I came up with. This plugin handles 3 events, SignChangeEvent, PlayerInteractEvent and BlockBreakEvent. This plugin allows for you to customize a message of a sign by typing YOUR VERY OWN indication!!! The default indication that must be put on the first line is: "[SM]" then that's it. The sign will auto-generate some default text and then a String for that sign as indicated in the Signs.yml. You can change the colours and message the sign will send to the player that right clicks on the sign.

What Indication Means


  • Easy to use, no complicated configurations.
  • Tightly woven, guaranteed performance.
  • Easy way to inform your players with one sign instead of a wall of them.
  • No Herobrine.

Bug Reports

As of many minutes of testing after initial build the plugin was working at top capacity doing great. If you have any problems please open a ticket and the bug will then be reported.

Plugin Size as of most recent update

  • 9 KB

Planned Features

  • In-Game Editing.
  • Indicated points like <player>, <world>, <money>, etc.
  • Permissions
  • After right right click text changes on 2nd and 3rd line according to the Strings in the Signs.yml


When right clicking on a sign this happens!

Change Log

  • Version 1.2
    - fixed player interact error.
  • Version 1.0
    - Initial Release of Plugin.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jun 2, 2012
  • Last Released File
    Jun 19, 2012
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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