RedeemMCMMO allows players to redeem MCMMO levels for any skill using the credits they are given. This plugin makes the whole process automatic. For example when players donate and receive MCMMO levels, the admins no longer have to manually add the levels.

The source code can be found here: Source Code

For the plugin to enable you must have these plugins installed:


- Credits can be given or taken away from players.
- Players can check their or others credit balance.
- Players can redeem their credits is there chosen skill.
- Players can buy credits (this can be enabled or disabled).
- New players can be given a certain amount when they first join the server.
- Players will get a message when they join saying if they have any credits left to be redeemed.
- Players will not be able to redeem credits over the skill cap.


[] - Optional argument <> - Mandatory argument

- /addcredits <player> <amount> - This will give the chosen player the chosen amount of credits.
- /takecredits <player> <amount> - This will take the chosen amount of credits from the chosen player.
- /credits [player] - This shows you how many credits you have remaining or for a player.
- /redeem <skill> <amount> - This redeems the chosen amount of levels in the chosen skill.
- /rmreload - This simply reloads the configuration file.
- /buycredits <amount> - This buys the chosen amount of credits.
- /rmhelp - This shows a list of all the player and admin commands.


- redeemMCMMO.addcredits (Gives the player permission to give players credits, by using /addcredits <player> <amount>)
- redeemMCMMO.takecredits (Gives the player permission to take players credits, by using /takecredits <player> <amount>)
- redeemMCMMO.credits (Allows the player to view his own credit balance or others, by using /credits [player])
- redeemMCMMO.redeem (Allows the player to redeem levels, by using /redeem <skill> <amount>)
- redeemMCMMO.rmreload (Allows the player to reload the configuration file, by using /rmreload)
- redeemMCMMO.buycredits (Allows the players to buy credits, by using /buycredits <amount>)
- redeemMCMMO.rmhelp (Allows players to view a list of commands, by using /rmhelp)


- joinMessage: true (This shows a message to members that join whether they have any mcmmo credits remaining.)
- startupAmount: 50 (This sets the amount of credit a new player gets when they first join, change this to 0 to disable it.)
- vault: false (This enables or disables the buycredits command, true will enable it, false will disable it.)
- costPerCredit: 10 (This sets how much one credit will cost to buy.)

To Do:

- Take credits away from players.
- Check other players credit balance.


This plugin utilises Hidendra's plugin metrics system, which means that the following information is collected and sent to A unique identifier The server's version of Java Whether the server is in offline or online mode The plugin's version The server's version The OS version/name and architecture The core count for the CPU The number of players online The Metrics version Opting out of this service can be done by editing plugins/Plugin Metrics/config.yml and changing opt-out to true.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jan 3, 2013
  • Last Released File
    Aug 27, 2014
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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