Simple P-Chat Filter

P-Chat Filtering, for the fun server.

Have you ever wanted to filter out or censor words in chat? Make regular chat more fun? Use your power to control the population of your server's words? Now you can!

What it does:

With P-Chat Filtering, you can exchange any word a user says, with another word. For instance:

You can configure the chat to change "everyone" to "everypony" and "administrator" to "god". (Just examples)
The user says: Hello everyone, what's going on? Is the Administrator on right now?
What everyone sees: Hello everypony, what's going on? Is the God on right now?

How to use it:

Say /filter to reload!

Edit filter.yml in the pChatFilter folder to change the words you want, some examples are already in there. The format is:

originalWord: newWord

If you want to replace something, but it isn't working, like having the newWord contain a symbol, put quotes around it. The format is:

originalWord: "newWord"


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Apr 20, 2013
  • Last Released File
    May 26, 2013
  • Total Downloads
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