NTK's Potions

This is a plugin that is fun for the whole family, it comes pre-approved with the NTK stamp of approval(which is a very high honor). I think the best part about this plugin is its simplicity(completely biased BTW).

Features: This allows people to give yourself any potion effect in the game!


  • /potion - Gives a list of all the commands.
  • /potion help - Lists the other page of commands.
  • /potion stop - Removes all the potion effects that you currently have on.
  • /potion nv - Gives the user using the command night vision for 60 seconds.
  • /potion all - Gives the user all the potions.
  • /potion speed - Gives the user using the command speed for 60 seconds.
  • /potion invis - Gives the user using the command invisibility for 60 seconds.
  • /potion slow - Gives the user using the command slow for 60 seconds.
  • /potion blind - Gives the user using the command blindness for 60 seconds.
  • /potion strength - Gives the user using the command strength for 60 seconds.
  • /potion fireres - Gives the user using the command fire resistance for 60 seconds.
  • /potion fastdig - Give the user using the command fast digging for 60 seconds.
  • /potion damres - Give the user using the command damage resistance for 60 seconds.
  • /potion regen - Give the user using the command regeneration for 60 seconds.
  • /potion slowdig - Give the user using the command slow digging for 60 seconds.
  • /potion poison - Gives the user using the command poison for 60 seconds.
  • /potion wither - Gives the user using the command wither for 60 seconds.
  • /potion nausea - Gives the user using the command nausea for 60 seconds.
  • /potion jump - Gives the user using the command jump for 60 seconds.
  • /potion water - Gives the user using the command water for 60 seconds.
  • You may do /potion <effect> [time] to add time to the potion you want.
  • You may do /potion <effect> [time] [intensity] to add time to the potion you want and change its intensity.
  • You may do /potion <effect> [player name] to add a potion to another player.
  • You may do /potion <effect> [player name] [time in seconds] to add a potion effect for the amount of seconds specified.
  • You may do /potion <effect> [player name] [time in seconds] to add a potion effect for the amount of seconds specified and change its intensity.


  • potion.help - use of the /potion command.
  • potion.stop - use of the /potion stop command.
  • potion.nv - use of the /potion nv command.
  • potion.speed - use of the /potion speed command.
  • potion.invis - use of the /potion invis command.
  • potion.slow - use of the /potion slow command.
  • potion.blind - use of the /potion blind command.
  • potion.strength - use of the /potion strength command.
  • potion.fireres - use of the /potion fireres command.
  • potion.poison - use of the /potion poison command.
  • potion.wither - use of the /potion wither command.
  • potion.nausea - use of the /potion nausea command.
  • potion.jump - use of the /potion jump command.
  • potion.fastdig - use of the /potion fastdig command.
  • potion.damres - use of the /potion damres command.
  • potion.regen - use of the /potion regen command.
  • potion.slowdig - use of the /potion slowdig command.
  • potion.weak - use of the /potion weak command.
  • potion.water - use of the /potion water command.
  • potion.other - user can give players other potions also allows you to change duration on the target player. By doing /potion <effect> [target] and /potion <effect> [target] [time in seconds].

Things to come:

I plan on making it so then you can configure the lengths and powers of all the potion effects as well as create your own unique effects. All would be done through either in-game commands or through the config.yml. This plugin is still in its infancy so it will be updated constantly if you have any suggestion as to what to add next please inform me.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Dec 3, 2012
  • Last Released File
    May 11, 2013
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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