
NanoBot - Edit Structures, Landscapes and more
Version: 1.38
craftbukkit: 1.1-R6

NanoBot is a plugin that is able to change, copy, move, remove and rotate Structures and Landscapes. When someone uploads a structure by default, it will appear on this webpage:

nanobot demonstration:

Nanobot.jar or (Alt)


  1. Download
  2. put nanobots.jar in plugin folder
  3. Remove the old nanobots.jar file

How to use:
After the plugin are installed run the server then go to plugins\nanobot there is a file allowPlayers.txt in it are all the players that are allowed to use nanobot, add every player name in a new line then use /reload on the server console, Then a command are used the player need to hit a block with a empty hand to "place" the nanobot

nanobot.nanobot = allow the use of nanobot = allow download from a web server
nanobot.upload = allow upload a structure to a web server
nanobot.load = allow loading a structure from a file and place it = allow save a structure to a file

The modes are:
Color = Edit only block with the same color (wool)
Ground = Edit every block that the world generator can make (except bedrock)
Normal = Edit block of the same type as the fist one you hit
Structures = Edit structures
All = Edit all blocks except air and bedrock

/nano remove [mode] [amount] = remove blocks
/nano copy [mode] [amount] = copy blocks
/nano move [mode] [amount] = move structure or landscape
/nano change <id> [mode] [amount] = change block to the chosen id
/nano fill <id> [amount] = fill holes with the chosen id
/nano rotate <90|180|270> = rotate structure or landscape
/nano <save|load> <filename> [mode] [amount] = save or load structure or landscape from or to file
/nano upload <filename> [mode] [amount] = upload a structure or landscape to a server
/nano download <filename> <id> = download a file from a server
/nano tools =get a list of all tools
/nano tools [tool name] = more information about a tool
/nano select [mode] [amount] = select structure or landscape (mostly use full for tools)
/nano throw = use nanobot on the block the player is standing in
/nano cancel = cancel the current order or unselect
/nano undo = undo the lasts order (it is prossible to undo a undo)

Commands advance:
now in a command can players use +<block id> to add and -<block id> to remove blocks that aren't on the scan list like
/nano copy +1 s 1000 will now also copy smooth stone


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Aug 28, 2011
  • Last Released File
    Mar 11, 2012
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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