Command List

<player> is the name of the player, <world> is the name of the world, <duration> is an integer time, in hours. These commands work from the console, just remove the preceding "/"

/hcw ban <player>
/hcw ban <player> <world>
/hcw ban <player> <duration>
/hcw ban <player> <world> <duration>

/hcw unban <player>
/hcw unban <player> <world>

/hcw serverban <player>
/hcw serverban <player> <duration>

/hcw unserverban <player>

/hcw banduration <player> <duration>
/hcw banduration <player> <world> <duration>

/hcw lives Returns how many lives you have left in the current world
/hcw lives <player> Returns how many lives player has remaining in his/her current world
/hcw lives <player> <world> Returns how many lives player has remaining in world <world>

/hcw lives <integer> Sets your remaining lives to <integer> in the current world
/hcw lives <player> <integer> Sets <player> lives to <integer> in his/her current world
/hcw lives <player> <world><integer> Sets <player> lives to <integer> in world <world>

/hcw modlives <player> [world] <integer> Modifies <player>'s lives by <integer> (optionally on [world])
/hcw modserverlives <player> <integer Modifies <player>'s server-lives by <integer> (can ban/unban player)

/hcw serverlives Returns how many lives you have left in the current world
/hcw serverlives <player> Returns how many lives player has remaining in his/her current world

/hcw serverlives <integer> Sets your remaining lives to <integer> in the current world
/hcw serverlives <player> <integer> Sets <player> lives to <integer> in his/her current world

/hcw config <worldname> minhp <integer> Sets the minimum life virtual hunger will hurt you to, to <integer> in <worldname>
/hcw config <worldname> lives <integer> Sets default lifes to <integer> in <worldname>
/hcw config <worldname> banduration <number> Sets default ban-duration to <integer> in <worldname>
/hcw config <worldname> hardcore <true/false> Sets whether or not world is hardcore
/hcw config useserverlives <true/false> Toggles whether or not the server uses server lives
/hcw config serverlives <integer> Sets default number of server lifes to <integer> on server

/hcw difficulty <worldname> <difficultyname> Sets difficulty in world <worldname> to difficulty <difficultyname>


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