
GuildAwards configuration

This page shows the default configuration after the config.xml was created at the first start.


# GuildAwards general configuration. 
# The general configuration for the GuildAwards plugin.
  # Enables (true) or disables (false) debug mode.
  # In debug mode all interval values are overwritten to 1 minute. For example auto save.
  DebugMode: false
  # LogLevel. Tells GuildAwards which logs to write into the server.log file
  LogLevel: INFO  
  # Minutes between autosaves of user data
  # GuildAwards does its data store in memory and flushes it to the database every minutes you set here.
  # Of course the data is also persisted when a user leaves the game or the plugin is stopped. 
  # The auto save is only a fall back for the case of server crashes.
  AutosaveMinutes: 10  
  # Minutes between checking who is the current chief of a guild.
  # GuildAwards will check at this time but only prints it randomly.
  InfoupdateMinutes: 60

# Configuration of the data persistence.
  # The storage method can only be MySQL 
  StorageMethod: mysql
    # Requires storage-method: MySQL. 
    # Name of the database user
    Username: dbuser  
    # Password of the database user
    Password: dbpasswd  
    # The database name
    Database: dbname  
    # The jdbc fully qualified database name.
    # In most cases the hostname will be localhost and the port 3306. 
    Url: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/  
    # Since there is normally one database used for different plugins you should 
    # define a table prefix for the tables.
    TablePrefix: ga_  
    # Connection timeout
    Timeout: 1

# The plugin contains a simple usermanagement component which allows
# white listing and three kinds of rights (user, moderator, admin).
# Normally plugins are using more common known user management plugins
# so this one is disabled by default. You can enable it and use the command /ul
  Enabled: false

# A community that is using a forum can link their
# minecraft users to a forum user. This is only to show the forum username to
# identificate the minecraft user if it has a different name.
# Make sure that the minecraft user you configured above (mysql:Username) 
# has the right to read the table you define here.
# It does only need select rights.
  UserlinkEnabled: false
  # The tablename of the forum to use
  UsertableName: wcf.wcf1_user
  # The column name that contains the technical key in that table.
  UsertableColumnUserid: userID
  # The column name that contains the forum username.
  UsertableColumnUsername: username

    # Decimal coordinates (x,y,z) and block radius where miner awards will be granted
    Coordinates: 0,0,0
    # A player will receive the award when he is within this radius.
    Radius: 10
    # Message to show if the player tries to get an award but is not in that radius.
    Message: 'Miner awards will only be granted around the miners guild headquarters!'
    # The amount of miner reputation each hour.
    # A player will only lose reputation if at least one other player is connected to the server.
    HourlyLoss: 10
    # The divisor sets a value as 100% of reputation.
    # A player can get more than this value but the divisor is used to make the award loss as 
    # percentage value.
    # Example: Award=10000, Divisor=50000, LossPerHour=10 => Real loss per hour = 10000 / 50000 * 10 = 2
    LossDivisor: 50000
    # List of awards
    # Name,Decimal-Item-Id,Number-of-items,Needed-award
    - Diamond pickaxe,278,1,3000
    - Diamond shovel,277,1,1000
    - Diamond axe,279,1,2000
    - Bread (20x),297,20,200
    - Arrows (20x),262,20,200
    - Mossy cobblestone (20x),48,20,400
    # Decimal coordinates (x,y,z) and block radius where hunter awards will be granted
    Coordinates: 0,0,0
    # A player will receive the award when he is within this radius.
    Radius: 10
    # Message to show if the player tries to get an award but is not in that radius.
    Message: 'Hunter awards will only be granted around the hunters guild headquarters!'
    # The amount of miner reputation each hour.
    # A player will only lose reputation if at least one other player is connected to the server.
    HourlyLoss: 1
    # The divisor sets a value as 100% of reputation.
    # A player can get more than this value but the divisor is used to make the award loss as 
    # percentage value.
    # Example: Award=10000, Divisor=50000, LossPerHour=10 => Real loss per hour = 10000 / 50000 * 10 = 2
    LossDivisor: 20000
    # List of awards
    # Name,Decimal-Item-Id,Number-of-items,Needed-award
    - Diamond sword,276,1,1000
    - Diamond helmet,310,1,1500
    - Diamond chest plate,311,1,3000
    - Diamond trousers,312,1,2000
    - Diamond shoes,313,1,1000
    - Grilled pork (20x),320,20,100
    - Arrows (20x),262,20,200
    # Decimal coordinates (x,y,z) and block radius where gunner awards will be granted
    Coordinates: 0,0,0
    # A player will receive the award when he is within this radius.
    Radius: 10
    # Message to show if the player tries to get an award but is not in that radius.
    Message: 'Gunner awards will only be granted around the gunners guild headquarters!'
    # The amount of gunner reputation each hour.
    # A player will only lose reputation if at least one other player is connected to the server.
    HourlyLoss: 1
    # The divisor sets a value as 100% of reputation.
    # A player can get more than this value but the divisor is used to make the award loss as 
    # percentage value.
    # Example: Award=10000, Divisor=50000, LossPerHour=10 => Real loss per hour = 10000 / 50000 * 10 = 2
    LossDivisor: 20000
    # List of awards
    # Name,Decimal-Item-Id,Number-of-items,Needed-award
    - Glass (32x),20,32,500
    - TNT (10x),46,10,1000
    - Gunpowder (32x),289,32,1000
    - Golden Helmet,67,1,2000


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