

World interaction

To gain awards you may use signs. GuildAward recognizes a sign at its first line.
The first line must look like:

^ ^ ^^^
| | |||
| | |||+-- Closing bracket.
| | |+-- The ID of the award or C. Positive number. 0 has a special meaning. Signs with a 0 show the list of awards. C means the sign should show the guild chief.
| | +-- The identifier of the guild. H (hunter), M (miner) and G (gunner) are allowed.
| +-- The constant GA- is always the same to make GuildAwards detect the correct signs.
+-- Opening bracket.

Overview of guild awards
The sign beginning with [GA- in line 1 shows the scenario for the miners guild M with the id 0 what means that a click prints the list of awards to the screen. The line ends with ].

Sign showing the hunter chief
The sign beginning with [GA- in line 1 shows the scenario for the hunters guild H with the id C what means that a click updates the sign with the name of the current hunter chief and his reputation. The line ends with ].


Receiving awards

Syntax: /awards miner|hunter|gunner [get <id>] If you don't want to use the signs you can get the awards with that command. It will use exactly the same functionality as the signs.


/awards miner
Shows the list of miner awards. This works everywhere.

/awards miner get 1
Receives the first entry in the list if you are close enough to the miner guild headquarters, you have enough repuation and you have at least an empty slot in your inventory.