

Version: (2012-09-02)

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Advice: The format of config.yml changed between version [] and []. If you update from below [], please backup your old config.yml and delete it to let minecraft create the new one which you can then adjust to your needs.


This plugin adepts the concept of MMORPG guilds. A player will gather reputation on his journey and get rewards from the guild.

How the plugin works

The guilds

A guild is an association of the most experienced people in one kind of trade.
Currently there are three existing guilds: The miners guild, the hunters guild and the gunners guild. During your journey while you are hunting or digging or during cannon combats the guilds will become aware of you. You will receive more and more reputation while doing the things the guilds are addicted to. But you also will lose your reputation when you stop doing those things and sooner or later you will fall into oblivion.

If you have collected enough reputation you may trade that reputation against awards near the guild headquarters.
The player with the most reputation in one of the guilds is the chief of the guild. If you are the chief of a guild you will not have any material benefit of it - but from time to time your name is whispered in the world with awe.

The miners guild

The miners guild of course is the most influential guild in the world of Minecraft.
While you are digging, you will gain reputation. You will gain more reputation for harder work. That means if you dig blocks that are harder to destroy or if you dig with your own hands, you will gain more reputation. It also means that if you dig with diamond tools, you will gain less reputation.
You will gain miners guild reputation for the most materials you destroy. And you will gain it for each block that is destroyed. There is no limit per day or no need of destroying a special amount of blocks within a period of time.

The hunters guild

The hunters guild is specialized of keeping the world clean of monsters. So they are no normal deer hunters but monster hunters. Unlike at the miners guild you will gain reputation only for monsters that you killed in a period of time which is a hunting expedition. If you kill more than 20 monsters during one day, your hunting expedition was successfully and your reputation at the hunters guild will raise. You will receive more reputation when it is more dangerous. For example killing monsters and especially creepers with a sword is more honorable than killing them with a bow.
If you kill more than 10 monsters during one hunting expedition this is a small success and you also will gain reputation.

The gunners guild

Description under construction...

Exchange reputation to an award

If you have gained enough reputation you might want to trade it against goods from the guilds. Those awards can be found in special location: The guild headquarter. If you reach the guild headquarter you can select an award and it will be yours.
Your reputation at the guild will be reduced depending on the value of the received award.


  • Java 7
  • MySQL
  • Cannons plugin. Only needed if you want to use the gunners guild.


  • Awards are configurable for each guild in type, stack size and reputation cost.
  • Awards can either be obtained by commands or by klicking signs.
  • Special signs show the name of current guild chiefs and their reputation.
  • The location of guild headquarters are configurable so that guild awards can only be obtained at special locations.
  • The strength of the reputation loss over time can be changed or even disabled.
  • Reputation loss is higher for players that have a lot of reputation. The degree is configurable.
  • A simple user management can be enabled (disabled by default because most people are using other ones).
  • If your community uses a forum you can link your minecraft user to the forum user (only to show the name used in the forum in some messages additionally to the minecraft name).
  • Ingame message texts are fully localizable (Default: english).
  • Configurable autosave time.



For developers

  • Download the source code of the last stable build or read it online.
  • Download the javadoc documentation of the last stable build.
  • Download the last stable build. Not recommended for production! Advice: The last stable build is not necessarily the current build that was published here. In periods of changes it could be still a development version.


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