
Hello everybody :)

This is my first plugin and he add FireWorks and Effect (visual;sound) Lasted Build V0.4

Video Tuto

sorry for my very bad english :p

How to make a fireworks

for create a fireworks, place a sign (as shown below) and connect him:

Sign exemple

List of name-effect:

-fireworks (create a fireworks with the smoke above the sign)

fireworks fireworks

-fireworks1 (create a fireworks with the smoke above the fence)


-fireworks2 (ditto fireworks1 but the effect is =/= )


-fireworks3 (ditto fireworks but with the effect of fireworks2)

-fireworks4 (random fireworks)

-fireworks5 (random fireworks + fence launcher)

-bow (sound of the bow )

-click1 (sound of left click)

-click2 (sound of right click)

-door_toggle (sound of toggle a wood door)

-ender_signal (effect used in fireworks2)

-extinguish (sound of lava and water collision)

-ghast_shoot (sound of a ghast shoot)

-ghast_shriek (sound of a ghast shriek)

-flames (effect flames of mob-spawner)

-potion (effect of potion break, used in fireworks)

-smoke (little smoke)

-iron_door (sound of Zomby vs iron door)

-wood_door (sound of Zomby vs wood door)

-destroy (sound of destroy a wood door by Zomby)

The Data

The Data is the option of a effect, its an interger (1,2,3,4,..)

example: the color of the potion effect, the wind on the smoke effect, ...

The Height

The height is the height above the sign, where the effect will occur


- fireworks (the help page)

- fireworks-reload (command for reload the config file)

The Config File

Only-Op-Can-Create-Fireworks=false (only op can create fireworks :p )

Use-Permission=false (use a permission for create a fireworks, the permission is "fireworks.create")

No-Permission-Message=You don't have the Permission (message if you don't have the permission for create a fireworks)

Created-Message=Fireworks Created (message on create fireworks)

No-Op-Message=You are not Op (message if you don't are Op for create a fireworks)

Density-Fireworks=1 (density of fireworks)





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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jul 18, 2012
  • Last Released File
    Jul 21, 2012
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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