

What does EnderGrenades do? EnderGrenades adds a variety of grenades to minecraft! More Grenades being added all the time, Open to grenade suggestions also! Grenade List:

Egg Grenade!

- The Egg Grenade: Works just like hatching a chicken, only it will hatch a fireball! The type that ghasts shoot!

EnderPearl Grenade!

- The EnderPearl Grenade: Stops teleport and makes a big BOOM! Define if land damage is allowed in config, If world_takes_no_damage is disabled this would be a handy griefer tool!- Just like MineZ, Good for re-creating the MineZ experience! (Grenade is highly explosive, More powerful then TNT :P)

Snowball Grenade!

- The Snowball Grenade: Lightning shall strike where the snowball hits! Snowball fights just got so much more fun!


v 1.5: Simple Config file, Toggle each grenade, Toggle land damage, Will be highly configurable in future! Will create a default config file upon server start up! If you break the config, Just delete it and it will generate a fresh one ;)

If world_takes_no_damage is enabled in config, this Plugin WILL disable ALL explosion damage in the world!! Creepers/TNT still cause damage to player, but not to world


  • /grenades reload - Reloads Plugin! Permission node: endergrenades.reload
  • endergrenades.* - Everything
  • grenade.use.enderpearl - Enderpearl use
  • grenade.use.egg - Egg use
  • endergrenades.use.snowball - snowball use Sorry this one is different than the others... wasn't thinking straight when I made these O.o If the grenades use is disabled they will act as if the plugin isn't even on ;)

Planned Features:

  • None really. I do not work on this project much anymore. Maybe pay-per-grenade throw in future (Vault)


My Server :)


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Sep 12, 2012
  • Last Released File
    Feb 20, 2013
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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